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Unfocused Students

Mybe finding another way to discuss WIIFM Might be the ticket to reach these students

Golden Rule

While is some settings this may be alright to use as an example for the students, it may not be the right way to express it as some of our students pay for the courses themselves and may think that they are the ones with the gold.


At times I findd myself suffering from the need to do things now. In the past I never wanted things to wait until later because I believed it said something about the work that I did for the day. However, by working in a career college setting I have come to understand that it is better to priortize than to want to do things now. I try to do list and sometimes they work and sometimes they don't; however, I am getting better at time management and reducing stress. Is there anyone that finds a to do list hard to… >>>

Undocumented learning disabilities

Any ideas on handeling undocumented learning disabilities?

Angry Students

An angry student has the ability to change the dynamics of the entire class. How do you prevent one angry student from infecting an entire class?

Unfocused students on Medication

How do you handle students that are unfocused and then blame behavioral medications for this problem?

Integrating computers and lectures using a computer lab

How would this help me keep students from checking their email or myspace accounts, when we are focusing on reading, but using a computer lab for lectures?

New Instructor

I will be teaching my first college course this quarter. The course that I will be teaching is a course that all new students will be scheduled to take. This course weighs alot on retention. Does anyone have suggestions on how to handle a mini-term course. We will meet four days per week and 2 hours per day. I am concerned about loosing the attention of the students.

Lecture Preparation

I find that if you make notes that you can review as you are doing the lecture it helps you to remember everything and not leave anything out. Also highlight areas of importance. Most of the time all of the knowledge is in our head, we just have to remember to pass that info along to the students. That is where the cheat sheet can help.


Each and everyone one of us has experienced stress one way or another. I believe that Stress (Positive) permits you to take action, this type of stress exits for a short period of time. Stress (Negative) is that witch limits your performance, also it creates negative effects in regards to physical, emotional and mental health

Online Discussion Groups

As of result of a large class rooms I have seen the benefits of using an Online Discussion Groups. It gives me the opportunity to clarify class material,share ideas and knowledge.

Using a PDA to Prioritize a "To-Do" List

I use my PDA to prioritize my "to-do" list, by listing in time increments. I place a date/time listing my priorities in descending order, and engage the Pop-up feature with an audible alarm to remind me when to start on that item. Of course, I can always start earlies, or delay start by revising the date/time associated with the item. This allows me to revieew and revise the list as necessary.

Striving for Solutions

What activities can an instructor do to improve overall class morale?

Cheating Students

Once caught, should an instructor conduct a retroactive assessment of that student's class knowledge and content understandings to that point?

Ready to Quit Students

What additional intervention steps are recommended for students that repeat or continue the dropout cycle with new circumstances, events, or a new crisis?

Handeling late or missed assignments

What additional management steps are recommended for students that continually fall behind with assignments and homework?

Policy on cheating

We cannot allow cheating because of the serious and consequential nature of some of our course curriculum. If I observe cheating, I use eye contact and if this doesn't produce the desired result, I remove the test and the student. At that point I turn the matter over to my supervising instructor.

Using guest speaker to motivate unfocused students

The guest speaker is an excellent way to bring unfocused students back into focus. I have asked former students to come in and speak about real world job experiences this helps affirm how our school has prepared them for real world employment. My students are attentive during this presentation. It seems to help them revive their goals and focus on their objetives.

Assisting your students

Assisting students is not as easy as one think it is, but on the contrary it can be a learning experience and fun. I love helping students in particular, for one reason, it is part of my job, and thats who I am. Helping students is a rewarding activity. Assisting students in realizing there potentials and dreams is highly appreciated by students. In some cases some students somtimes need a little spark, when they are confronted with a math problem, computer problem or any problem for that matter. If you take the time to embrace that students and give the… >>>

Getting organized

It is good to be organized. Before I became a instructor. I was disorganized everything was out out order/out of place what ever you want to call it. The point is that, when you are disorganized you may find that life can become l stressful in not having a handle on things your life. I lot of times, we tend to get frustrated when we cannot find somethings or we dont remember where we put somethings, we get a rush. That rush tends to lead to a state of anger and stress. Keeping things in order is a way of… >>>