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Have you bookmarked a web site/page on your browser that you find helpful in your professional work? Do you use an online resource/tool/video that you've found useful for your work? Simply grab the URL and add it as a bookmark so your peers can also benefit from your collected resources. And make sure to describe the resource and solicit comments to maximize learning and outcomes.

Great website to work with in the classroom

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Quizlet allows you to create tests, quizes in any format (multiple choice, matching, etc.).  It also allows students to go onto the website and create quizes for each other to study and test their knowledge prior to an exam.  They can also print out index cards with a word on one side and the meaning on the other.

Video on Stress

One of the many Youtube videos on stress and stress relief techniques.

This one is great for students.

to be or not to be (liked)

This was very helpul in regards to the information about your students liking you as to compared to being respected.

helpful and encouraging information


Grammar grabber

Interactive grammar site


What you can do

  1. Be aware of what you’re feeling and your own body language
  2. Trust your instincts and don’t dismiss your gut feelings
  3. Pay attention to inconsistencies between words and actions
  4. Maintain eye contact
  5. If you’re overwhelmed by stress, take a time out

Surgical Technology Certification

This website prepare candidates for the National board for the Surgical Technologist examinations. 

Marty Lobdell - Study Less Study Smart

I recently found this video and have shared it with my students.  I assigned them 10-15 minute increments and had them share what they picked up from the video.  Then we had a discussion.  Not only did all students speak up while collaborating, they all, well most became interested to watch the entire video on their own (without me forcing the entire almost 60 minute video on them), and they now have tips on how to make the most of their time studying.  I think this video can be used by both students and teachers in more ways than just… >>>

Assignment due dates

Dear students, 

Assignment due dates

customer service

i have noticed the younger generation need to know the answers now and want every quick

they dont know how to wait for information,answers including their grade and even taking  turns talking

Why is important read

Please make list of the important points

Have a website for interact with the class

That is my website to interact with the students