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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

AI Problems

How are you getting students to not use Ai generated apps to do worksheets, case studies, etc.?

Start of class

Students are always nervous when they start a class because they want to  know how they will be evaluated and what it takes to pass the course.

Dealing with difficult students

Address the problem and find the way that the students be involved in the topic or have to face the de result of that activity 

Cheating Students

What are some strategies that work for you? 

Angry Student

how do you manage angry students 

Student Engagement

Why is student  engagement so important to the overall success of the course? 

Help for crisis management

I would assume police and emergency responders have resources in the events of crisis.  Does any one have experience in this?

good course

Very insightful.

21 days to make a habit

I need to implement this 21-day idea to change the way we think and change our habits.  Stress comes from inside, and the way we view the problem.

ED120 Discussion post

How can seating traditional arrangement within classroom affect students nonverbal cues?

Business Day Wednesday

I created this assignment for my students to engage which other along with learning embedded numeracy, literacy, and research along with their course standards. This brought alot of excitement to my classroom and the students really enjoying doing this.

What is a seasoned instructor and why is it important?

Students are smart and they will know if an instructor is prepared and has the mastery of the subject matter.  They will know if you are sincere and caring because you touched the very core of their being.  With these, students will be shaped not only and excellent but an extraordinary nurse.

In what way an instructor become seasoned?

Managing the Class & Students

I have learned different ways to handle student behaviors. M

Setting a time limit

Students often don't post in a timely manner making it hard for other students to make replies to keep the discussion moving forward.

Classroom Management Styles

I have currently completed the first module of "Management Styles". 
In this module, I learned the four (4) types of management styles and noticed that I'm more of a "buddy" / "controller" type instructor and need to make some adjustments to achieve a more "Guide" style of classroom management. 
The first and most important adjustment that's needed is "planning"; especially planning for those times when one's lesson plans gets interrupted due to technical difficulties involving computer and or smart board malfunctions. In combatting these, one can have a back-up laptop and or iPad. As for smart board malfunctions, I could have a print out of the power point lecture and have students follow along on their laptop and or iPad.
Have any of you guys have had a situation relative to these and how did you overcome the obstacle(s)?

Non- Motivated Students

What are some strategies you guys find useful to motivate students to fully participate in the class from the beginning of a semester. Often times I feel like I lose a student before the interesting part of the course work even begins. Especially if the course is slow in developing.

Managing the Class & Students

Any ideas for encouraging a shy student to the importance of participating in group assignments when getting complaints from his/her peers the student does not comply or miss deadlines without communicating delays to the group?

Managing the Class & Students

It seems like whatever method the instructor uses to get the student not to bring a phone to class the phones reappear.  There need to be a stronger penalty.  Any ideas?


Has anyone found a solution to the problem of managing phone use in the classroom?  I want them to learn self control and don't want to take them up, but it seems to be a never-ending problem.  Especially when others in the school don't follow through.  

Frequently absent or late students

How to deal with frequently late and absent students who use personal problems as an excuse