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chilling out

I know some people think traffic is stress I use my 1 hour travel to first get my thoughts in line and start my day I use the travel back home to unwind if there is alot of traffic that's even better because I people watch that is my big stress relief

I live an hour from work. I use this time to plan my day in the morning, and I use the return trip as time to reflect of the day i just finished. Its a lot of private time and sometimes it really helps with the stress

same here i drive 60 miles in the early am. the best thing i do is DRIVE 65! (the limit) everyone speeds past me i never have to hit the brakes and i arrive ontime. its worked for me the past 7 years.

For the most part, just simply reading a book on personnal development is all I use to become less stressed. I don't watch television news shows because I don't want to be subjected to all the negativity we have in our society. If I keep focused on how I can improve myself, stress seems to go away.

This is an important point Thomas. If there is a known stressor in your life that can be eliminated, do it. Television shows and the news are two popular ones. Eliminating them or reducing them in terms of frequency can make a dramatic impact on the way you feel. Similarly, seeking out those things in life that calm you down (e.g., personal development) is key.

That's a great benefit of teaching online- no traffic! No tolls to pay and no wear and tear on tires!!

I use my time traveling to clients to pray and get my day started right when I have places to be early in the morning.

Anyone else?

I hate traffic! I live in a town of about 100,000 people, so traffic is not really an issue, but I still don't like the traffic we have here. I think mainly because some of the other drivers seem to be so rude. They act as if they are the only ones on the road and must always be first. My method for dealing with traffic is to crank up the tunes and move at my own pace. If someone wants by I let them, or if someone wants in or on, I let them. I will probably be right next to them at the next traffic light.

If you are going slow enough to do this safely, sounds like a great approach William. Music is a great way to escape, especially when we are trapped in a car. Books on tape work too. Same for talking on the phone where it is permitted.

I find that during my commute, music is one of the best ways to chill out. Also practicing some breathing techniques and trying some new laughter exercises.

I like the idea of laughter exercises Merita! I'd love to learn more about what those entail. Sounds fun and I imagine they definitely take the edge off!

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