Engage students in the learning process because their attention span is short.
engaging students is a group and individual task for instructors. Holding accountability by providing feedback is critical to students and can be a high motivator.
Task focus improve learning performance on student, one task at the time and interactive learning environment.
I think finding some type of verbal evaluation
( without off course allowing the active students to overshadow the passive students) mid way through the lecture may be a good way to make sure that the students are re-engaged and re-focused.
I haven't had the challenge of needing to keep students refocused in a class that I thought recently as most of the adult students have enjoyed sharing their work experiences that pertain to the topic that is being covered with the class.
I will incorporate applications and illustrations of how content can be used in order to develop working memory which is the ability to store information in the mind and retrieve it when needed. Allowing students to build learning pathways will be acomplished by helping students focus on small sequential learning components in class. I will continue to get to learn my students names during the first day of class and incorporated a 2x 5 card where they can tell me a little bit more about themselves. I learned that instructors can create successful learners by knowing our students.
I enjoyed this section because it allows me to understand how to navigate students that are having a difficult time learning the content, how to engage students, etc.
Developing student rapport is key to buy-in, and using alternative methods like small group participation keeps learning fresh.
Having a variety of tools to help focus students and differentiate their learning styles. This section was great.
It’s important to never waiver with keeping your course content interestingly intriguing!!
Prepare thoroughly and protect the learning environment and respect the role of management and what you are teaching.
Respect the fact that these are adult learners and understand what it takes for them to work, take care of families, and go to school. Make class engaging and the material relevant to give students a sense of pride in what they know and what they are learning.
Connecting the material to real life situations, and possible uses in the work place
Keeping things interactive and short, keeps attention high and responsive, allowing short interactive breaks with students is a really good way to keep them engaged with the process of engaged learning and wanting to stay engaged due to the excitement of learning something new.
The course is a reminder to keep the presentation process fresh, while alternating different types of material, in order to maintain student enthusiasm.
Having experienced the midterm "slump" during my studies, having the REFOCUS tool will be useful to aid students and myself as the instructor to get through it quickly.
I consider incorporating varied teaching methods that engage students' intellect and emotions. Creating a supportive environment where students feel comfortable exploring new concepts.
Using Crisis situations to help develop critical thinking.
"Learnativity" emphasizes active participation in the learning process, letting learners transition from beginner to expert confidently.
As a teacher we cannot burden ourselves with trying to be perfect. We are human and have to be as authentic as we possibly can. We as teachers have to be ourselves. When dealing with strong or difficult students, we have to engage them with challenging things to keep them focused and engaged.
This segment is a terrific reminder that teachers must develop an internal mechanism that reminds them to do what is called in technical operations a, “health check.” This is a total operational check out of a particular system, specifically in aircraft maintenance, at a specifically planned interval, when a thorough operational check of the system and related components are checked out for continued service. Teachers/instructors need to build in a similar checklist of items to review so they can maintain their own personal – HEALTH. And as the leader of the class, or as I like to say, “Chief Executive Facilitator,” they need to remind their students that they each need to do the same.
Now days, each of us is walking about with a pocket computer i.e. a “phone” in which it has a calendar of which can be set up for periodic reminders. Set some dates and live by those dates! Empowering yourself to focus on your well-being should be a purpose worthy of a small investment in time to ensure you and your students establish the objective of avoiding burden.