Very informative and a great way to keep a class focused.
I like the idea of using stories about the topic, this will give them a way to relate to each story.
This module touched on rapport with students. Teaching adults we can sometimes try to be the friend instead of the instructor. Rapport is more about a base of respect for each other.
When students see applications and illustrations of how content can be used, they will be able to store the information in their minds and then retrieve it when they need it or working memory. Learnativity= active, move, participate. The acronym REFOCUS is a great word to keep in mind when thinking about the classroom.
I will keep students engaged by having them to understand the seriousness of our trade as well as getting them in small groups to figure out complex troubleshooting solutions to provide your understanding of the material covered.
I will be applying at midpoint of term to ask all student to share what they and why they chose to go back to school and what did they reacpture until now since they have started attending. Feedback given to me from student on how I teach wheather it be a positive or negative feedback will teach me to change those that are negative to become positive.
This module opened my eyes to the emotional component of learning.
I will always remember that I was a student once, and to always try to put myself in their shoes.
This module reminds me that each student is different from another due to age, job experience and how they view education. IT is important to kee them engange to spark interest in the sybject and always give varety of teaching approach to ignite interest and help refocus.
as an intructor you must continuously find ways to draw students in and engage them in the learning process. I thought the idea of shaking things up occassionally to re-energize the class was valuable.
Planning is key! You don't have to be an expert...just be willing to organize, strategized and be flexible. More importantly believe in the work/process of assisting students in their acheiveing their career goals.
The importance of motivation and enthusiasm and how it applies to learning for adults
Confidence, enthusiam and keeping my my attaention on my sutudents is very imperative.
This module was a great reminder about how to REFOCUS about half way through the term and gave some practical examples of how to do this and involve the students in the process.
I really like the idea of REFOCUS
The need to understand difficult students is important.
I love the REFOCUS tool! Will definitely implement
I think the refocus tool might be helpful for many instructors, myself included. It is easy to lose the excitment and appeal of the course halfway through, but finding ways to keep it exciting can motivate myself and my students.
I learned the importance of REFOCUS
Help students develop into successful learns by identifying the reason they enrolled in the class. Build a rapport with students.
Reaching all students including those who may have difficulties or are difficult is a good sign of engagement.