Learnt how to keep students engaged and on track during the course.
It's ok not to always have the answer to a question.
Respect role of management, respect students, commit to students learning and development. Instructor attitude affects student learning.
Some of these examples do not really apply to the way that I will be giving instruction.
Using a diverse array of tactics and formats to stimulate the classroom to achieve engagement starts with the instructors approach. Gaging the group of students and applying the correct techniques will better enhance the learning environment.
I learned a lot of information about engaging students. I appreciated the refocus section and will be sure to remind my students about halfway through of how far they have come by asking them to share.
I've learned a lot through this section however, REFOCUS, has been the method that I am most grateful for. I, like many other instructors, find that it is easy to become overburdened by the stressors inside and outside the classroom. Having a game plan like the one listed in the brief section, is exactly the remedy we need to stay ahead of the game. Crisis situations would be a fun exercise to have in the classroom and would certainly lift the mundanity of digging through the code. Furthermore, the triage tip is something I'll take with me to my grave. It is easy for me to get wrapped up in those students who need the most work, so much so that I'll completely overlook the many treatable issues that exist inside the classroom. By using REFOCUS, I plan to deliver better instruction and to return to the classroom refreshed.
I like the REFOCUS concept because it does happen that you find yourself feeling like you or your class has 'stalled' and you really do need to find a way to refocus.
I enjoyed how it have methods to quiet the talkers and help get more participation from the "non" talkers by assigning observer roles. I also agree with my colleagues as the REFOCUS is so important to maintain the enthusiasm throughout the semester at time. Sometimes we may just need time to give encouragement and support. I find those two factors correlate to student success. Based on my experience.
Students and instructors can both feel burn out. Using refocus will help both parties
Keeping students focused is important. The REFOCUS tool is an excellent tool to identify and get student back on track
Me gusto la estrategia del REFOCUS, siempre es bueno ir mostrando los avances a los estudiantes, para empoderarlos de su propio proceso de aprendizaje. Siempre es bueno ser proactivo en el manejo de estrategias entretenidas y agradables que motiven al estudiante a aprender, sin entendemos que el aprendizaje es un proceso interno en el ser humano y que los docentes solo podemos establecer estrategias para estimular ese aprendizaje, pues en la medida que mas dinámico y emocionante sea mejor será la estimulación para que se logre ese aprendizaje.
creating enthusiasm is contagious, its a skill I wish to perfect. When a group is excited about a topic, the class usually drives itself.
The emphasis on differentiated instruction was a key point that I will take to my next group of students. It will definitely help to curb the slump that can occur during the middle part of the semister.
It is important to know about Charging Your Batteries, to avoid burnout and keep the students engaged.
I learned that it is okay to share personal experiences with students to help create a bridge between what they are learning and the experience that I bring to the class.
It is helpful to use the "REFOCUS" method to regain your enthusiasm. Your attitude affects student's engagement and learning. Recognize the slump signs.
Element of surprise in the lesson is another way to bring to live the lecture and the students might appreciate it.
Have students inventory what they have learned, and do a mid course review.
make sure to refresh yourself and don't forget to keep up your enthusiasm. By staying refreshed you will not allow your students to become bored and lose interest.