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Being able to relate course content to real world/working examples will help with student retention.

The REFOCUS acronym is very helpful.

I like the idea of starting each class with something fun; a story or icebreaker may help.

I believe looking at the classroom through the eyes of your students is key, especially when they are adult learners of varying ages and backgrounds. Being able to adapt activities to these different learners is something I want to continue to improve upon.

I am realizing that "coddling" these students actually does more harm than good. It also increases the instructor's stress and anxiety levels. This semester I will employ an alternative method of enforcing the rules set forth by the institution. 

i like using real life experience in my class plus it gives students away of using the real world as a way of comparing to class teaching

A well prepared portfolio shows you employer you experiences on the job and real life experiences. that involves students and real life situation with people, students,

Each student is going. to learn differently and at heir own pace  identifying each students strengths and weakness and using that to build there confidence in passing course .   whether they pay attention to their peers or the instructor can reach each student in different ways without taking too much from the class

paying attention to students strong points and there weak points. give the teacher a specific opportunity to help each student separately also gives teacher a way to set class up for everyone to have more success as a team

In this course, it was brought to my attention that students in these programs (traditional and non-traditional) have the tendency to face multiple stressors and challenges, concurrently. In order to provide the best support to students, we must listen, try understand and be able to respond appropriately in all situations. In addition, refer the student to the necessary personnel who may be able to assist further, where applicable. 

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