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"How does hedonistic adaptation affect long-term motivation and satisfaction, and what strategies can be employed to mitigate its effects?"
Guiding Questions:

How have you experienced hedonistic adaptation in your own life or career?
What strategies have you found effective in sustaining motivation and satisfaction over time?
How can organizations or educational institutions design rewards and recognition systems to minimize hedonistic adaptation?

Strategy Brainstorming: In small groups, brainstorm strategies to maintain motivation and engagement despite hedonistic adaptation. Share and discuss these strategies with the larger group.

Motivating others, whether students, colleagues, or staff, requires a nuanced understanding of intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Some key insights I’ve gathered and how I plan to apply them:
I plan to offer students more choices in their learning activities and projects, allowing them to pursue areas they are passionate about.
Emphasize Mastery: I will focus on providing feedback highlighting progress and personal growth rather than solely grading for outcomes. Celebrating achievements in their learning journey can reinforce their intrinsic motivation.
I will encourage team projects and peer collaboration, fostering a supportive environment where colleagues can share ideas and learn from… >>>

Make class fun, informative, respectful and still maintain routine.

I learned it's important to put yourself in the students shoes.

Security is the student's belief about his or her ability to perform the tasks assigned and autonomy is the student's belief about the amount of control they have over the learning process. Providing these two things in the classroom is very important to student motivation. 

allow interaction with students in laying out the course objectives

Intrinsic motivators are internal and extrinsic motivators are external every day factors that can include a reward or praise. 

It was helpful to learn ways to build student motivation and learn what actually motivates students.

Allowing students to have input on lessons, assignments, pace, etc. gives students perceived control and autonomy over their learning builds motivation. Provide supportive and clear feedback to students and encourage questions.

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