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Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.


Motivation is the key factor when it comes to succeeding

Love your students

Love your students treat them like your own children. Explain them things as you are explaining to kid

Action and Care

Having empathy and care for each student goes a long way. Get to know one thing about them and give constant otimistic feedback. You never know how far that can go. 

keep up

teachers should always have amn open mind to learn


Great Start

Completed the ED102 and the information was very straight forward. Understanding the students and tailoring our teaching methods are a must. besides building a curriculum or preparing the lesson plans, we must pay attention into all individuals and check how our materials are being learned. it is our duty to make sure the material is for everyone.


ED 102  Taught me a lot about the human factor being caring and understanding of the needs of the students.

Research Topics

Allowing students to select their own research topics makes for more meaningful connections with content. 

Enhancing Student Retention

I have learned that getting to know your new students or new employees helps to set the stage for establishing trusting relationships from the beginning. Staying connected with each one makes them feeling heard and supported. 

Great tool to use

By using the tools that were given to me, I was able to reach my students more and be more patient with them. Understanding that things come up and life will continue on happening, I have to understand my students needs and understand that certain activities will need to be more hands on instead of given on paper. Take my time with my students as when I were a student myself. 

Good Lesson

The lessons were excellent!

Keep them coming..

One of my biggest challenges is to keep my students from missing class or leaving early. 

I thought that will not be an issue since the majority are paying for their classes. I made thought they would be the most interested to make the most of their money. However, it is hard sometimes for them to keep coming regularly or stay for the class. 

The policies in the institution are clear about the assistance, however,  I have to give them additional reasons to stay until the end of each class using resources such as pop quizzes, or extra credit assignments. … >>>


Intrinsic motivation is long lasting and need not reward because the student wants to do the tasks. Meanwhile students who need extrinsic motivation can see that the task is completed by is usually influenced by the reward. Over use of extrinsic can led to dis-enchantment and fatigue.

Security and autonomy

Security is when your student have a positive outlook on life and their believe in their personal abilities to preform duties.  Autonomy is the ability to self govern and to have so input or involvement with their activities. Both will enhance the student ability to achieve.


I am a new instuctor so there is much for me to learn.


Learning can be challenging. However, after completing the ED 102 course training I realized, this training session is refreshing for all educators. 

- Refresh/Refocus/Re-Enhance your skills and continue to be that exceptional educator you were called to be. 


Tips and tools for new teachers

I plan to use many tips and tools learned in this course. I like the idea of learning all students names and background. I also like the idea about using notecards to provide anonymous feedback. 

A motivational person in my students eyes.

I feel if I have a positive attitude and because I’m a new instructor and they see that I am putting my best efforts into all that I am teaching them I hope they will be motivated  to do the same .

A fine line

I find this hard to do with a large group of students.

ED410 Training

I enjoyed learning how the flipped classroom promotes constuctivism and promotes social/collaborative learning. Learners talk among themselves and share their understandings, feelings, knowledge, and experiences to come up with new knowledge. While as the educator, I become the facilitator to encourage the learners to interact, exchange views, and experiences then construct (come up with) meaning and knowledge that is based on what they already know. 

Name tags

Will have name tags, it's hard to learn there name with facemask on.