We have really made a concerted effort in the last year to make use of public realtions as a key aspect of our marketing strategy. Below are some of the highlights:
1. We conducted a "Family Fun Fair" to raise money for a charitable cause. We set up waterslides, bounce houses, "funny Boxing", kids games, food vendors, etc. We invited the public through announcements on radio stations and through emails to all old leads. Our students took part in the event as guests and our honor society ran many of the events. In addition we had a raffle and got thousands of dollars worth of raffle items to raise money for the charity (they actually conducted the raffle so we did not have to deal with the legalities). This got some good PR and got hundreds of people out to see our campus.
2. We do monthly newsletters which we send electronially to all of our employers and our alumni.
3. Our massage program is open to the public during certain classes. We promote this bringing dozens of people a month into campus. We also give out coupons for free massages when the opportunity arrises.