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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Advertising and Marketing Budgets

I need advice on how to deal with the following: First, what if the given budget is not accurate, meaning that even though the money is sectioned per media source per school per month on paper, the actual AP is so far behind that most of the sources we have are prepay only and the available funds do not match what's been written on paper? Second, our budgets are supposedly available monthly on a use-it-or-lose-it basis; there is no monthly or quartly rolling balance, meaning if I didn't use the money in April I can't add it in for June. How effective and realistic is this approach? Third, do you think it's better to estimate yearly starts and grads and adjust quarterly or hold schools to that annual number no matter what happens in reality?


Do you think it would be a good idea to create an easy to remember 800 number or an easy to remember URL redirect for radio advertising?

Daily Newspapers

We have found that running in the Sunday section of the major daily papers has not been very cost effective, any suggestions on how we could bring our CPL down in those papers?

Media information

How often should I be updating the information on stations and papers that I am not currently buying in my media book?


Where, if anywhere, can I find statistics on lead effectiveness between various publications? For example, the workshop stated that there is a greater success on lead generation with employment publications compared to daily newspapers. My experience shows that employment publications are a complete waste of resources, whereas the newpapers generate adequate leads.


Are there typical guidelines for contracts with the major television stations, such as: Quarterly, Monthly, Weekly, etc?


If the Radio CPL is dramatically higher than television, as stated in this workshop, why do schools/businesses bother with Radio marketing?

Media Kit

What are the key items to include in a Media Kit and what is the best format to use?

Special Programs

This was the shortest section with the greatest power. The ideas listed in this chapter were simple and easy to implement. Sometimes we are looking ahead that we forget to look in our own backyard. I am looking forward to implementing some of these ideas. Thank you for the ideas! Arlene

Media Ads

My idea is to have a pilot program that would space media ads from Monday afternoon on a start day and go to Thursday of a start week. We currently run the Media Ads from Monday to Wednesday. I would pick up the Thursday when we have a start on Monday. This allows the reps. time to meet and greet their students on a start date without having to catch a phone until Orientation has started. If this proved productive I would consider this plan for the rest of the month. The theory behind the Monday to Wednesday is that people change their lives on Monday to Wednesday. Is this theory true? What evidence is there to prove this theory.

Open House

We planned an Open House for a new campus. Our plans included invitations to employers who would employ our graduates, and city officials. We even aske the Mayor to attend and speak. This was accomplished because we had newspaper coverage. We had Admission Reps give tours with instructors in each classroom giving a 3 min presentaion about their course . We also invited the public and anyone interested in learning about our programs. We had a band (student band) at the entrance of the school. The students were excited to play even for free. Some students even danced outside to the music. The lobby area was decorated and we served and passed refreshments. We all had a great time! Arlene

Publicity Cards

We have created publicity cards for the last three months: Purpose: To create more referral leads to our school. Contact: Contact the students who already like the programs we offer-our students. Cards: The cards are created in-house on the computer. A piece of bubble gum is attached and and handed out to the students as they leave class. We used the following saying: February: Be a Sweetheart! Refer a friend to XXXX. March: Don't count on Luck for your career success enroll at XXXX. April Hop on over and start your new career today! Each card has the name and phone number of the school.