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What does it Mean to Listen?

Listening and Hearing are not the same thing. this is of  great importance to understand both meanings, specially wnen talking with a prospect. we need to be able to focus on them and understand their needs. Great Topic.

Marriage Counseling

I thought it was interesting that they are using a marriage counseling method (the communication pyramid) for this training.  I never would have thought to consider that.  It was helpful.

Applicant Interview

Any discussion on improvement methods on assessing a student's real motives?


When I interact with students and especially if the interaction is online, the attitude, the tone of voice and the willingness to help them is very important.

Admissions over phone

I can find it difficult to stay focused on the phone.  This course is a great reminder of how to accomplish this.  I will share it with my staff.


How to balance work and home?

What are some ways you fit everything in one day?

What has worked for you

What have you found to be the most effective when reaching out to your community?



This was a great class and helpful reminders. 

Elevator Speeches

Good refresher on how important it is to "hit all of the hot buttons" when leaving a voicemail message. 

How to help a student with financial aid?


Financial Aid is an important step; as a result students should be introduced and get accustomed to all financial aid opportunities in order to find help for tuition.

How the Ethical component can Help Student?


As always, ethical information can help students feel at ease to open up and share about themselves.


Two year Colleges

How valuable or important do you believe your website is to making your ads convert to tours or registrations better?

Zip my lips

I have learned to keep my mouth shut.  That is blunt, but appropriate.  

Before taking this course, I did not know the legalities of making statements supportive of our program.  Now, I will refer any direct questions to those trained in legal answers.  I will not jeopardize my job or our program. 

Cold Calling from thousands of miles away

I work within a company that is world wide. I'm based out of Florida, but a majority of the time I'm working with people in other states. So, coming in for an appointment is not an option.  There has to be some better ways to educate them on what we have to offer, other than trying to get them in face to face?

Prospects who want information but give out fake numbers and emails.

for me that is hardes when a prospect lead give out inoformaton and then they change their mind, I get furstrated because I know this person did want informaton on a specific program and I cant reached them.

What about a baby boomer X gen

I did find out a lot about different styles. Myself borders on the baby bommers and Gen X. I am a workaholic but do love the ease of the computor life style.

Student Acquisition

Hi. I own one of the Top CNA Exam Prep schools in Orlando. Were doing pretty good just using yard signs, but we need a new more dependable way to acquire students. I want to know what's been working for you guys? 

Also has anybody else enrollend in the mt101 or mt102 classes? How did it go? wWhat was the most important thing you took away from the course?

Admission Requirements in Texas with TWC and TDLR?

I am opening my first cosmetology/esthetics/nail tech/massage school and it will be opening in Texas. I am a novice and need some help. I see on here that Admissions must be in the guidelines of the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), Career Schools and Colleges. However, I believe I must also do the admission requirements of Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation (TDLR). Must I understand the Laws and Rules under both agencies and get myself informed with a attorney? Is there another person who can guide me to make sure I understand each section? Is there certain important documents I should see? 


Anything is helpful and thank you in advance for your support!



Other than: Open Houses and Financial Aid Nights how can campuses create foot traffic to their campus? What are some ideas for Admission Representatitves?