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radio ads

A school in our area has been using the same radio ad for 4-5 months. Is there a "limit" on the time you can use the same ad over and over without listeners tuning it out?

Radio tends to be most effective from a lead generation standpoint when you are driving someone to an event. With any piece of creative results should dictate how long the same concept should continue to run. Some concepts have longer shelf lives than others. The key is to watch the trending with results and as they start to bump up change the traffic. Most creative needs to rest from time to time, the key is to be prepared with new spots to go in so results do not suffer.

It may be helpful to come up with a catchy jingle or slogan. I often find myself finishing sentences or singing along to jingles when listening to radio commercials that I've heard 100 times. You can use the same jingle or slogan in future radio ads for consistency while not subjecting the listener to the same commercial over and over.

Jingles are an interesting one. A lot of people complain about jingles yet you know people remember them because they keep talking about it.

We have a school locally that has used the same jingle for a long time. Most people laugh about it and use it as a punch line in a joke, however everyone knows it and associates it with the school which was their main goal in the first place.

I agree that a jingle can be a way to go ....
but if it's not followed up with other media
it's just an other jingle and people may not know what the jingle is for.

We do use Radio to promote and drive prospects to events. We also promote the event on two stations simultaneously and have them compete with what they will provide. Many stations will send out their trucks and do free give-aways. Just have to ask. Soemtimes there is a charge. Many times it is hard to justify the cost since it is difficult to get a return on investment. Radio is sometimes more of a PR avenue, and not necessarily a great lead generator.

Thanks Andrew! That is how we typically see radio success as well. We also have had some success with different traffic sponsorships and call-ins. It is difficult to justify the cost as you cannot typically directly measure the impact. However, media mix is becoming more and more important and measuring overall results, not just channel specfic performance will allow you to have the strongest and most effective marketing plan.

I think the more radio ads you can run the better! If you have a catchy jingle it will help. Some listeners don't have a choice to change the station if they are in a waiting room or other public place where they could hear the ad. This will also help with brand awareness in your area.

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