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Encouraging methods of accountability

I've been in schools where the reps have elaborate means of displaying their successes. That is, rep numbers are put on display in the office area or reps "celebrate" their success by ringing a bell or doing something that gets everyone's attention.

Do these methods work long term?

These methods have worked in many schools for long periods of time. The key is the consistency in doing them. The displays need to be kept up and the celebrations need to happen every time. If these tactics are done consistently it becomes a part of the culture and people strive to acheive whatever the reward is. This also tends to spark excitement with staff and current students if done correctly.

I agree as long as this is continued and it is placed where all can see it. A monthly insentive is has also worked for our school.

That is a great point. I am totally agree with it!

Can someone comment on the types of incentives used
for reps, especially monetary incentives. How do you
structure them and do they work?

I think the idea of ringing a bell puts pressure on the student and it actually feels atiquiated. There are other ways to celebrate students. One we we do it is by giving them swag or other give aways.

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