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I am not doing any tv or radio. I see mistakes i have been making by doing blasts. I need to focus on my ideal students. I have been analizing my situation from a different angle now. I am so small, I don't have an advisory board. I have been wearing many hats. I finally have my self staffed where I can delegate more. I will have a meeting with my staff. I look forward to a more profitable new year.

getting the message out

I presently drop brochures around town, but it doesn't seem to do much. I am very excited about the newsletter and the press releases. We also have calenders to give out but we were giving them to our clients. I think we will do some door hangers with calenders and newsletters.


Our school has little publicity. We do hand out calenders and brochures, we have worked the business expo. I am excited about trying some new ideas. we made a list of demographics from our previous students and that was interesting. We are in the process of forming a committee as you suggested. We are setting up luncheons and dinners for the womens clubs in the area. Lots of good suggestions. Next, we will do a newsletter and press release.

Publicity Committee vs. Advisory Committee

Our school has quite a bit of publicity and PR in place already, but we want to learn more and do all we can. We hold on-site workshops which generate interest, and we participate in community & chartiable events. I think the Publicity Committee sounds like a great idea - an excellent way to both get more information and get our name out there. But I'm not quite clear on the difference between the publicity committee & the advisory committee. Any clarification would be appreciated! Thanks!

Radio Creative

Do you think it is wise to use the the school's web address in your radio creative or should you just repeate the school name and phone number numerous times? I understand that visits to the web site would probably be counted as internet leads and not radio leads.


Say we place a buy with a frequency of 3 spots per hour. Do you suggest to run the same commerial three times in one hour or run three different spots in one hour? Which do you find works best for you?

Island Positioning

Have you had any experience with running island positioning ads? Is this a good way to get your ad noticed at a cost effective price?

Satellite TV

What is your opinion about placing a schedule on satellite TV (Dish Network)? In my experience, I have found that it is hard to negotiate a schedule and that you are forced to buy a specific "package" that is supposed to target your demo. I would appreciate any advice on how to better place/negotiate a schedule for satellite TV.


Does anyone have any stats of the effectiveness of podcasting?


We seemed to notice a decline in TV leads for a specific market when the WB was no longer available. Has anyone else noticed this trend?

Effects of DVR in Television advertising

With the popularity and ease of availability of DVR's today, have you noticed a decline of leads coming from TV?

When to advertise?

My school doesn't want to start its marketing campaign until the end of the year but wants to go ahead and get our name out there without getting too many leads. Any ideas on the best way to do this?


Generally, how much time should a rep allow per lead?


What is usually the most effective and cost effective form of advertising?

How effective are advertising agencies?

I don't think the directors at my school are planning on working with an advertising agency. How much more effective is advertising when the school partners with an agency?


Being seen as an expert in your field is the name of the game. For recruiting and enrollment purposes this is excellent. People would rather enroll in a school that has been around for a while and has some great outcomes to par. They too want to be a great outcome, so a professional school would be a perfect match for the potential student.

Secondary Schools

Has anyone ever participated in Career Nights at either a High School or Middle School? Have you been able to recruit a good amount of leads from here?(Was it worth it?)

Special Programs

Our campuses currently offer free health screenings at fairs and at the facility. Our students who study patient care are continuously involved with community projects that help the underpriveledged and needy (toy drives, food drives, clothing drives, etc.). When guest speakers are scheduled to appear at the campus, we advertise that it is open to the public - the turnout is usually great. Our assessment plans occur at the time of the function. A brief questionnaire is distributed to those persons utilizing our services, so that we may see "how we are doing." This information is used to review with… >>>

Reach Students and Prospects

Our visuals consist of: billboards, posters and bus/rail signs; no radio; and TV commercials produced by our advertising agent using our current and graduate students. It is my opinion that we should be using more print media opportunities. Our advisory boards consist of three individuals for each field of study offered at our schools. This is accomplished at each campus twice per year (officially) and quarterly (unofficially). The results of our board meetings have been excellent and have led to outstanding improvements to our programs and more job opportunities for our grads. Internet marketing would allow us to reach those… >>>

Information about your school

The majority of our information is distributed via advertising (billboards, yellow pages, employment guides, mailers, etc.). This part of the business is handled by the President/Owner and the Director of Operations. Our new strategies would include the use of as many forms of publicity as possible in order to save advertising dollars. We currently ask the school directors to perform this task, but, in the future, we will get the admissions representatives involved as it would be to their benefit for increased enrollments.