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Managing conflict can be an opportunity to demonstrate presence as an instructor by letting the learner know their interactions or lack there of are not meeting the expectations of the course. These modules go hand in hand, as creating a relationship early on in the course by demonstrating presence with a welcome message can make it easier to intervene later on in the course. The welcome message sets the instructor tone/intention for the course by letting learnings know different areas of support they can ask about.

Record keeping and effectively managing how those records are kept needs to be addressed before the course begins. Anticipate different challenges students can face taking online courses, either from their personal life demands or from other students that may alienate their student peers. Have a strategy for dealing with these challenges that includes guidance from institutional policies and procedures.

"Learners will bring with them into the e-learning environment behavioral traits inherent to their personality profiles. While the behaviors are no different from those they exhibit in the traditional classroom, the arena in which these behaviors are manifested is indeed quite different."

Understanding how to conduct the online course, how to help those with challenges within the class, whether it is not being able to communicate effectively.

I also learned how to store files and I had not even thought of this. 

In this module I learned the importance of managing relationships in the group, considering the different personalities of the students. I would think about implementing different strategies considering the problem presented and avoiding the dropout of students.

Es muy importante tratar de identificar el perfil de comportamiento de nuestros estudiantes, para mejorar la comunicación, la empatía y colaborar con cada uno en el progreso del curso. Como la enseñanza se torna cada vez más personal, la buena gestión de la información que recibimos, por mail, chat o mensajería es crucial para aprovechar mejor el tiempo

There are 4 types of learners: Noisy, Quiet, Disruptive and Intimidators and since they pose different challenges for the teacher , we as teacher should be prepared to deploy  different strategies to keep them motivated.

I found interesting the indication to keep a record of student communications and productions, as well as communications. Otherwise, it is valuable to distinguish the personality of the student and his conflicts with the content or the system, from the conflicts with other students or the instructor. There one values the communications records if the conflict is not resolved and the authorities must intervene.

Muy bueno en general todo el curso, desde mi punto de vista, incorpora todo lo que un docente Online debe saber. 


Me parecio muy interesante el tema de resolver conflictos, y los recursos para evitar la deserción escolar. 



I have learned that there can be many challenges when teaching on an online platform, and that there may be different type of students who may bring with them different challenges. I will make sure to have the institution's code of conduct present with me so that I may be able to know how to best deal and resolve any issues. 

Understanding that an online student may have other commitments that occupy their space is a starting point to understand their behavior. As instructors, before pointing out, we must always be in a position to guide both to maintain the student's interest and incorporate it into the course activities as well as for conflict management. Everything based on a communication of respect and empathy can achieve great results.

In any online course, the instructor has to be able to manage the learning environment. In some situations, students need help stay engaged, and in other situations, students need to be moderated. I am learning to help students in either situation  help themselves succeed, and also prevent disruptive behavior in the learning environment. 

I learned that student's behavior has a lot to do with their studying and the different type of students the procrastinator, has a lot to do with e-learning.

There may be some students who will try to intentionally challenge you, and the best way to handle those types of students is to maintain your composure and respond unemotionally.

There were many good points on why students may choose to drop online classes and how to keep them engaged and encouraged to stick it out. 

In this module, I  learned how to keep student actively engaged in the e-learning environment and how communication and accountability are keep components to student retention.

Will apply this information in my class courses. 

One idea I picked up on was utilizing a class forum for questions - so I am not inundated with emails.  I never thought about doing that before - it makes perfect sense.

There are a number of various e-learners that have a different work ethic when it comes to e-learning. Thus, acknowledging how different e-leaners have a different work ethic need to be taken into consideration when engaging learners online. 

Comment on Adnil Soriano's post: good observation!

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