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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

What role do polls and surveys play

Do they help course delivery?

Student enrollment

What tips can mature instructors offer to entry level educators that promote one student attentiveness and retention?

Escape Rooms in the Online Environment

What has been your experience with using escape rooms in online courses with a debriefing discussion post? What other types of learning activities do you find the most engaging online?

Use of AI

With the sophistication of AI technology, more students are using it. How are you handling these situations in DQs and written assignments?

Exemplars: What has been your BEST experience with online education, either as a teacher or as a student?

I ask this question, because I have had the privilege of teaching for Educate Online a few years back, and their online tutoring program was amazing.  I wish it was still available.  Students were tested and given a 'prescription' and their learning was tightly scaffolded.  The promise was we could increase their grade level by 1 year in 36 lessons.  If they did, they could keep the computer.  If not, their sessions would be free until they tested one grade level up.  

great ideas

test was a learning process

E Learning

Always preparing a class in advance and with the proper coarse work for the learners to excel in the area of study. Have an open mind on the fact that there are 5 very important ways of learning is ideal to maximize every students needs. 

1. Noisy 

2. Quiet

3. Disruptive

4. Intimidators

5. Procrastinators 


Students each learn differently and teachers have and need the tools to adapt to each student 

Different Types of Learners

Within the realm of e-learning, a diverse array of learner profiles emerges, each presenting unique characteristics and learning preferences. Let's delve deeper into these categories:

1. The Noisy Learners: These individuals thrive amidst bustling environments, finding stimulation and engagement in lively discussions and interactive activities. They often benefit from group collaborations and thrive on the exchange of ideas and perspectives.

2. The Quiet Learners: In contrast, quiet learners prefer a more subdued atmosphere, where they can focus deeply on absorbing information without external distractions. They excel in solitary study environments and often demonstrate strong introspective abilities, processing information internally before contributing to discussions.

3. The Disruptive Learners: This category encompasses learners who may exhibit disruptive behaviors, such as constant interruptions, off-topic discussions, or resistance to established learning structures. Understanding the root cause of their disruptions and implementing strategies to redirect their energy towards constructive learning activities is crucial in supporting their academic progress.

4. The Intimidating Learners: These learners may exude an aura of dominance or assertiveness, potentially intimidating their peers or instructors. It's essential to create a supportive and inclusive learning environment where all participants feel valued and respected, regardless of their personality traits or communication styles.

5. The Procrastinating Learners: This group struggles with time management and may postpone tasks until the last minute, leading to stress and suboptimal learning outcomes. Helping them develop effective time management strategies, breaking down tasks into manageable chunks, and fostering a sense of accountability can mitigate procrastination tendencies and promote consistent progress.

By acknowledging the diverse needs and preferences of each learner type, educators can tailor their instructional approaches, leverage appropriate teaching methodologies, and cultivate a conducive learning environment that fosters meaningful engagement and academic success for all participants.


There different types of e-learne 

1. Noisy,



5. Intimidators


each one of these e-learners have they own unique way of learning, you do have to adapt to each learner a make sure they have clear understanding



Alway have a discussion that everyone  understanding the lesson, a educator knows there are different learner, so we have to respect the learner and not my them feel bad.

Giving a little description of yourself

Let the students know a little bit about yourself, let them engage with one  other, be aware of their needs and listening is the key, encourage them to engage in the conversation is important.

Class interaction

Properly prepare for your class. keep the students engaged and always know your learners

Teaching Techniqueon

Teaching online entails:

1.Writing your syllabus.

2.Creating inclusive and equitable online learning environment.

3.  Engaging students with discussions and questions/answer portion.

4. Promote student well being.

5. Facilitating effective online meetings

6.   Be always prepared.



Online Instructing

Learning how to be a well rounded online instructor will make the students ability to complete a course more effectively.


It is so important to be aware of students' outside influences and pressures. We never know how someone is responding to life outside the classroom. It can affect how a student responds to classwork.

Active learning

Active learning is very instrumental in the student's learning experience and the instructor is the facilitator of that process

Managing behavior and conflicts in the online environment

There was good information on identifying the various behaviors but it would be great to identify briefly how to address disruptive behavior in the  course instead just referring to policy.


I have learned a great deal in how to engage the various learners styles via Synchronous versus Asnychronous 


How do you all engage students who struggle with time management and procrastination? I know I have lots of students who end up completing their assignments an hour or less before they are due and I can tell the work is rushed. Any tips on helping students understand that procrastination, especially online is a poor habit?