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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

Limitations and Misconceptions

In face-to-face settings, active learning strategies like group projects, role-playing, and brainstorming are more easily implemented. Even while it requires more work from both the online teacher and the online student, they can also work in an online setting. 

Importance of Active Learning

What stood out most to me is the encouragement, if not expectation, to make our classes enjoyable for students. The atmosphere, albeit enjoyable, can foster cooperation, collaboration, and problem-solving.

Creating Announcements

Does anyone have any suggestions for creating student-centered announcements?

Active Learning as an advancement

Good morning All!,

It was interesting to learn that active learning was emphasized and evolved during my high school years! Becoming an instructor for clinical higher education has been quite a journey with many joys and challenges! I can say that the most exciting experiences and successful outcomes has been when I was able to apply Active Learning. It is a great model and foundation to successful teaching.


Challenging learners

I have noticed a type of learner who seems to have experienced a lot of unfairness in life and thinks you are treating them unfairly. It's difficult to strike a balance between being firm and being understanding. I'm wondering if others have encountered that type of learner and how they handle it.


What is the best learning environment?

Collaborative Learning

Help bring better understanding of there thoughts and Ideas.

Collaborative Learning


How is this class progressing for everyone?

Online Education

I'm very intrigued to learn new ways to engage with students and strengthen my approaches to teaching.

Student Engagement

What have you done to help improve student engagement in your online course?

Great course

It's amazing the way I learned to interact using the correct way with my online students.

great course

I have learn ways to Identify my teaching style and technology tools to facilitate my teaching another to help provide students with a learning process so they can achieve a good course outcomes

ADMISSIONS Great Course.

I am very happy with this admissions course because it will help a lot in my expectations of professional development


Excited to finish this course and start my new job as an admissions officer!

Hands-on vs. Hands-off

I think this training is important and valuable in terms of thinking of how best to support and engage with online students, but I think it also begs the question of how to approach students who opt into online learning environments because they prefer less face-to-face interaction and do best with self-study courses. How can we provide support to them while also allowing them to work how they work best?

Online course

Are online courses more effective than lives courses?

What role do polls and surveys play

Do they help course delivery?

Student enrollment

What tips can mature instructors offer to entry level educators that promote one student attentiveness and retention?

Escape Rooms in the Online Environment

What has been your experience with using escape rooms in online courses with a debriefing discussion post? What other types of learning activities do you find the most engaging online?