Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Student Retention Through Ongoing Feedback

I plan to focus on providing ongoing feedback to keep students engaged, motivated, and on track for success. By doing regular check-ins, I can identify struggles early and improve retention. Small, consistent support can make a big difference in student learning outcomes.

Online Teaching Training

I plan to implement what I’ve learned in this course to guide my students’ successful completion of online courses. I will

  1. Maintain organized communication
  2. Maintain structured learning
  3. Assert my presence and authority while building relationships
  4. Maintain office hours for counseling and discussions
  5. identify learning styles and technical needs upfront
  6. Limit behavior problems and attrition by preparing action plans

Active Learning

This was a great tool for remembering and fostering an ideal Learning environment! I cant wait to infuse some new and exciting ways to challenge my Surgical Students to actively learn by enhancing their Critical thinking and Problem solving skills!

Best Practices

Promoting the use of simulation in Nursing education to develop critical thinking and clinical skills and clinical skills.

Scenarios can help prepare students for real-life situations and enhance learning.

Assesment of technology tools

The evaluation and assessment of all tools is a critical function if the tools are to be effective in facilitating learning. Various students require and have differing technology abilities and availability and this must also be considered. If a tool is class critical it must be listed as such and then appropriate instruction in that tool needs to be included in the sylabus.

Enseñar con el corazón

La enseñanza es una forma vivida de interactuar con el conocimiento, los estudiantes motivan y permiten que como docentes podamos actualizarnos siempre. Estemos comprometidos con nuestra profesión, y con la mejor disposición para enseñar. En realidad, aprendemos  más de ellos y de esa interacción genuina compartida en las aulas.

Generar el diálogo y debate resulta fascinante  y enriquecedor para todos, plantear casos y resolverlos en equipo desarrolla un clima interesante y presto para el aprendizaje, pero además genera conocimiento...

Enseño hace 14 años, y cada clase es un desafío que asumo con mucha entrega y vivencio cada momento. También lo… >>>

Best practices

Introduction and personal messages are effective at engaging students. 

Responses and Remarks

I respond to most of the student discussions with further information, often researching topics they may have no knowledge of but relevant to the topic under discussion and share that with them.  I also include statements like "Learning should be fun" and include my signature (:>). I link into whatever sentence or phrase that is key to their paragraphs and find something that corresponds to that and add to it. I emphasis that the goal is to keep the conversation open and keep it moving forward. I take my work seriously but I don't take myself seriously so I use… >>>

Student Retention

Student retention and engagement can be difficult. It is so important to be understanding, empathic, and thoughtful to gain the trust of your students. Once you have the students trust then you are able to engage them and allow for higher learning. 


As a nurse professor, I've had the privilege of guiding aspiring nurses on their educational journey. Over the years, I've discovered several valuable techniques, methods, and best practices that have contributed to successful outcomes in nursing education. In this blog post, I'll share some of these insights, along with the challenges I've faced and how I've overcome them.

Engaging Teaching Methods: One of the most effective strategies I've found is to use a variety of teaching methods to keep students engaged. From traditional lectures to interactive discussions and hands-on simulations, I tailor my approach to meet the diverse learning needs… >>>


I believe students have a higher chance of success when instructors provide timely, constructive, individualized, and encouraging feedback on each and every assignment as well as participate in the discussions at least four days a week including one day on the weekend.

I love teaching

Sharing knowledge is my best tool.

Teaching techniques for online education

Teaching techniques for online education

Learning the different learn

I got out of it the different learners and to me that is so interesting to know, as well as the The technology that we would be using the sources that we can get into the different programs it’s gonna be interesting. That’s what I’m excited about. It was a lot I got from that is a lot that I would take with me and use it to help me grow into this hybrid learning.

Building Better Students

I try to ensure that I meet my students where they are at. As an online doctoral learner, I understand how important it is to find and maintain balance between school and work. Therefore, I encourage my students to reach out to me early and often to help navigate issues that could potentially lead to attrition, and compromise their academic journey.

Student approach methods

This course gave me the tools to learn how to create solid material and lesson plans for students to learn in any fashion.

Constructive tone

Tone is so important. Even when a student is angry, disruptive, and so forth, we can respond in a way to change the mood. Sometimes, it's important to walk away from an email before responding.


I have learned that it is more beneficial for students to be more strict when it comes to accepting excuses, because every student has them and it is not fair to allow some excuses and not others. I love that Concorde has a very strict policy on late work--this makes the expectation clear for all students.

Interactive teaching

Critical thinking does not come easy to everyone, therefore instructors can utilize problem solving tasks to encourage more thinking. This allows for interaction between classmate or groups to pose different opinions, responses and dialog which cultivate learning which does not feel like learning.

Interactive teaching

Instructors Should have at least 3-5 learning strategies and those strategies should coincide with the learning objective. Also that student need to more than a passive learner to help the develop skill of time management, brain storming with peers and tools of debating and discussing material within small groups and developing a sense of team. Rubics plays a role is assessing student completed material that reduces judgement as an assessment instead as an opinion.