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There may be students that try and not follow guideline's, but to always remind them of the policies and why they are important 

I learned about the importance of keeping records on file for disruptive behaviors. Communication with students , counseling students and directing them to e-learning is a great way to direct the learners. And the guidelines on how to resolve student conflicts. Minimizing student attrition and that I can volunteer my help personally to assist learners  with technical issues. How to identify certain behaviors. The importance of instructional guidelines that will be available for a successful e-learning environment .

I learned more on how to deal with different learners in online classes. For example, I can deal with 'intimidators' by directing them to the grading policy and explaining how it applies to everyone, or I can contend with quiet students by reaching out to them directly in a private email.

It is important to give timely feedback to students and make sure transcripts become part of records. Intervene in conflicts early to avoid escalation of the problems.

manage the environment with institutional policies and identify those who are disruptive early. Identify those who made require more technical help early in order to keep them in the course.

I learned that there can be many challenges in teaching online courses, but through open communication, conflict resolution, and identifying risk can be beneficial to both students and instructors. 

It's important to recognize that some students may test the boundaries of the system. Maintaining open lines of communication and documenting any issues that arise in their records is crucial. Additionally, regularly reminding them of the established guidelines can help in managing such situations. It's also beneficial to engage with them positively, offering support and understanding, which can often redirect their energy towards more constructive outcomes.

I learned that it communication is very important in e-learning. If we are not communicating with our students then, they aren't learning

I keep almost all my emails for at least two years. This system helps me if I have repeat students and can look back at past conversations and excuses that may have been used for failing the course the first time, or any issues the student had. Good record keeping is a must.

I learned that managing online behaviors are really no different than managing brick and mortar behaviors in a traditional classroom. The online environment brings challenges for instructors and students, and I learned some proactive ways to manage these challenges.

It is important to handle private matters privately (via email). 

It is important to keep your "finger on the pulse" of what is going on in your online classroom. Outreach to students that are not engaging and being sure to address those students who might be intimidating others or commandeering a discussion is important to do quickly. 

Different types of learners participate differently in an online class. Students can withdraw from an online class for a number of reasons. 

There are certain tricks to use to manage all the material in your class. Conflict can ensue in an online class and it is the role of the instructor to look for signs of conflict and to reduce it. 

I found this tip to be most helpful:  Remind learners to complete their assignments offline and keep a back-up on an alternative storage medium. 

There are different types of students in a discussion forum. The unit addressed best way to reach out to a student, if their post was inadequate, or if they were dominating the forum, or possibly were disruptive.

Instructors/facilitators can really help the students by making sure they cut down on unnecessary work and make sure that they do not feel alienated.

This section provided information regarding how to stay engaged and in communication with students online.

online learning is not necessarily a skill that all students or younger students come equipped with. It takes training management time and effort, put forth by the instructor and the student to ensure an effective online learning environment.

There are several reasons why a student  may not finish the course.  The student can feel alienated, the workload is too heavy, the student may have competing responsibilities, and technical issues.  The module covered several strategies to help overcome some of these issues with the student.

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