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Maintaining individual student engagement can help students who tend to procrastinate due to the lack of face to face interactions with peers and instructors. Conflict resolution can also be challenging because of the informality of online interactions and should be handled with tact.

It is important to keep students engaged in the online setting and providing ways for them to feel your presence, whether it is through active participation of the instructor in chat and discussion boards, providing video lectures as well as opportunities for synchronous and asyncronous learning.

Giving students the opportunity to know you as a professional, including your skills, experience and qualifications is especially important in online education because the lack of physical presence makes it harder for the course to feel personal for the students. 

Student engagement can be enhanced and frustration minimized if the instructor is informed about the student's current curriculum and by accurately posting grades, announcements and changes in a timely manner.

keep the students interested, good communication

engage the student vary your teaching style

I would say a little of both

asses the tools we have and use them appropriately 

Classroom management is still a factor in an online course because there are different types of students who may being challenges. Understanding how to handle this type of conflict or misunderstanding is important because it is hard to convey tone and other communication inferences when we are not face-to-face. 

Keeping the students engaged is imperative in an online class. This can be achieved through discussions and interactive activities. Understanding how to use synchronous and asynchronous meetings helps greatly. 

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