Managing Student Behavior | Origin: ED104
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Class Management Strategies--> Managing Student Behavior
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
One should listen to their students and get to know them. I have a couple of quiet students and now have some ideas to help them feel comfortable in the classroom and hopefully bring them out of their shells a bit more.
If a student has become too disruptive to the class and affecting lectures and other students' learning, then as an instructor it is okay to make the hard but right choice to remove the disruptive student from the class.
I learned that silent students can be aided by breaking into small groups or having them give a short presentation.
Managing disruptive students will be an ongoing learning experience for most instructors it seems.
by monitoring behavior, you can hopefully recognize emerging problems
There is much truth to students having outside factors that play into their behavior. Not that it is an excuse allowing this behavior, but sometimes just listening to them assists how they manage their responses
When dealing with angry students, the effective way to get them to focus on sharing their concerns is through listening and by listening, you are showing that you are interested in learning more about their concerns and are willing to give them the time it takes for them to express their concerns.
I love the idea of standing in the back of classroom to dissuade students from cheating.
As a new teacher I have learned that I need to set clear expectations for my class at the very beginning. I have also learned that I need to be consistent with every students and show favortism.
Developing a relationship with each student helps you develop a sense of his or her abilities and discipline. I implement this by having weekly one on ones with each of my students going forward.
This lesson has given me insight on how to deal with the angry, questioning student. I will implement the strategies learned to help care for 2 students that are very angry in my class.
Relationship building is paramount. If there is no relationship, students are not invested in the course or the teacher.
Cheating and plagiarism are two common things. Students will typically cheat when given the opportunity. It is imperative instructors are observant and dilligent in order for prevention.
Managing student behavior is one of the most important aspects of teaching and can significantly impact the classroom environment. I've learned that setting clear exceptions at the beginning of class and listening to students is key to managing student behavior.
In previous semesters, I have struggled to engage with silent students. I have been an instructor to individuals who will not even greet me in return to my individual hello. I plan to facilitate engagement by fostering individual mentorships with silent students and use smaller groups to increase engagement with the material.
I've learned that we will have multiple types of students, not everyone is the same in how they learn and want to learn. So I must adjust accordingly.
As an educator you must try to reach all students but some students can't be reached and you can take steps to remove a student if they become a disruption to the learning environment.
In my class I don't give a written exam, we do a shop clean up as the final for both semesters. It is great for the shop, and wonderful for the students. They don't have t get so nervous about all the electives and our classes as well.
Being aware of students who cheat or don't participate is an important way to prepare for class.