How do I respond to a student question if I don't know the answer?
Paula Wilson View Profile
Roxanne Hinds
You are so right. Let them know that they asked a hard question and you will pursue an answer for them.
Jonathan Kelly
Great Advance!
Syeda Kazmi
Thank you for sharing.
Teri Bialek
first understand then, understood.
Barbara Rodriguez
Thank you so much for the information. I is a help to watch your video.
Pamela Farough
Love your response!
Henry Grigsby
I agree with you, I always tell my students that I might not have the answer, but we can find the answer together. I found that to also put the student at ease.
lorenza grier
Thanks! I am a new instructor and this really helps.
Bobbie Cobena
I like the idea of keeping them in the loop by stating" Let me find out" instead of keeping them on an indefinite (virtual hold) without frequent updates. Thanks!
Shawn Witmer
I agree with this video statement because not being transparent only leads to the possibility of giving incorrect information .
Carrie Fuller
Thank you, sometimes it feels like so much pressure that we know absolutely everything
Alexander Nieves
I always tell my students that transparency in instructor knowledge is vital, this way they are all aware of my range of education and knowledge. Reviewing is part of my job, staying on top of my practice, and ensuring I can teach my students appropriately and effectively. Therefore, I have no shame in admitting that I need to review that or research a bit and get back to them when I have an answer I like rather than guessing an answer or giving a haphazard answer.
Oscar Flores
Excellent answer!
Sandra Griffin
I would be honest and inform them that I will research it and get back with them with the answer once I found it.
Firas AlNajjar
As Paula said be honest, involving the student to find the answer together if time permit will bethe best option for me
alfred casey
I think the answer lies more in how much trust that the instructor has and so that should be a lot as possible and this is where calculated risks may have to be taken where an instructor may have to come back and admit a mistake, but the instructor will have to have credits.
Michael Riccardelli
Nice response!
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