Sarah Evangelista

Sarah Evangelista

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This was honestly a good course. I have learned very little of VAWA and Clery and some familiarity of Title IX. After going through this course, I feel that students, school employees, and staff should have some training and education on each of these.

I feel it is important for students, staff, and faculty to be educated on these topics such as dating violence, stalking, etc., and safety measures that the school is taking on these measures. While consent can be withdrawn at anytime, the definition of consent is still evolving which should be revised and reviewed. 

Victims should be encouraged to report the crime to the police.

An investigation by the coordinator should be conducted regardless if it was reported to the police or not.

Schools should consider what interim measures to take while the investigation and the disciplinary proceeding is pending. The Title IX Coordinator should minimize the burden on the complainant when taking interim measures.

I learned that Title IX Coordinator in a smaller institution can have other school responsibilities as long as it does not conflict w/ fulfilling the role of Title IX. Title IX Coordinator information should be made available for students and employees to contact. 

Title IX is an important law that protects students, faculty, and staff at post-secondary institutions. I have read some things about Title IX before, and this offers a very detailed explanation about it. It is good to know and have at institutions. 

I feel it is also good to know about VAWA which is associated w/ Title IX in some aspect. Having this knowledge is good to know especially when creating a safe environment for students. 

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