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I learned what a Community of Practice ( CoP)  is:  a group of individuals who have similar tasks or goals for solving an authentic problem. 

I also lezrned 8 Techniques for effective online communication

  1. Always use a descriptive subject line.
  2. Use appropriate tone.
  3. Use bulleted items to make messages more concise and to the point.
  4. Use spelling and grammar checks and review the message carefully before sending.
  5. Attach necessary documents.
  6. Use appropriate email address.
  7. If asking for a solution to a problem which is then provided by the instructor, respond not only noting they understand the solution, but also summarize the solution in their own words.
  8. Provide contact information.



I have students work on group projects which requires them to problem solve through colaboration. This also makes them work on comunication skills and how they apply to real world problems.

One of the best classes I ever took was not in college -- it was at a business school for computer programming. What I liked so much about the class is that we formed a community of practice (CoP). A good friend used to talk about her "cohort" in graduate school and this likewise was a CoP she is still close with today. As a teacher of general education classes, there's not much opportunity to form these long term CoPs, but I am intrigued by the idea of trying to do that within the context of a single course.

Nancy Tosh

Motivation and time management are critical components of online learning. Instructors must cultivste an environment that encourages motivation and teaches students how to manage their time effectively. This is made possible through communication. 


I like the idea of the virtual COP. We know that adult learners are more engaged and do better when able to apply their own experiences to the course content. If they can share those experiences and also get feedback from their peers in the process, this will help solidify their learning. Therefore I really like the idea of trying to implement a COP in my courses.


Effective communication is one of the important things that students need to  develop for an effective community of learners.


In this module, I have learned the importance of making sure students understand that not all communication can be accomplished effectively through email. They should have your contact information if they need to communicate orally or face to face when necessary. I will apply effective communication to my courses in my online courses.

Encouraging communication between the students and instructor and student to student is very important. The students don't see each other or the instructor face-to-face in online courses so don't get the interactions with others. As online instructors, it is our responsibility to build community. To do this, I plan to be more engaged in all discussions and in prompt replies to emails and other communications. I will encourage appropriate and correct written communication. In addition, I will model this to my students.


I learned of this module, the important of reading and writing in the course.  I must to be focuse with the message that they transmit in their messages.


Although the online and face to face learning environments are very different the expctations for proper classroom etiquet and manors alway remains a constant.  Sometimes students in an online format need to be reminded and referred to the syllabus and instituion rules regarding online communications.

Great information on communication and guiding students on whether online learning is for them


Clear communication is essential and it must incorporate course outcomes and objectives

leting the student know the importance of the material, and relate it to real life if you can


Communication is an important aspect in the on-line class.  It is also imperative that all aspect of communication is include in email,etc.  to ensure messages are understood.


As an online instructor, I must be mindful of my communication skills.  It must be effective to ensure my students can respond appropriately and efficiently.  I must remember to

  1. Always use a descriptive subject line.
  2. Use appropriate tone.
  3. Use bulleted items to make messages more concise and to the point.
  4. Use spelling and grammar checks and review the message carefully before sending it.
  5. Attach necessary documents.
  6. Use appropriate email address.
  7. If asking for a solution to a problem which is then provided by the instructor, respond not only noting they understand the solution, but also summarize the solution in their own words.
  8. Provide contact information.


Students are not one-size-fits-all, thus multiple outreach methodologies need to be utililized to reeach all audience participants. Engagement and 2-way communication is essential for overall course success.

Communication is key in any environment, whether that be online learning, personal, or professional. 



Learned how to communicate effectively in an online class. I was also reminded how to create a group project using the CoP or Community of Practice and Jigsaw Puzzle techniques.


I find in my area that we have a lot of internationals who struggle with grammar.  I tell them to read - read newspapers, magazines - regardless of topic.  And watch American television.  Granted some of that will use slang and bad grammar as well but hearing often cements it in.

Always use the appropiate tone when talking to students and other staff. 


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