Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Think of blogs as self-published mini articles. Share your experiences and challenges. Share your successful and failed strategies. Share your proven techniques and best practices. And don’t forget to solicit comments from your peers so we can all learn from the collective knowledge and expertise of our thriving community.

Social media

My biggest challenge with social media is blogging and networking. I learned the different between the two I do. #AndILearnedHowToPostOnMyInstagramPagesAndAllThatOtherButMyBiggestChallengeWasBloggingNowILearnedHowToBlockAndIwould be doing it in the near future. 


I'm interested in blogging. I have not done it yet. But I do encourage my students those that are interested in blogging or have done so to blog about their practice and what they do. I think it gives them more clarity on the direction they're going in and it can be impactive to their learning abilities.

Social media

Learning how to blog has struck an interest with me. I was always curious about it. This is cleared things up for being so in the near future I will be blogging from here on out and showing my thoughts with my student.


I have had success with checking on the students post discussions.

Best practices

 I learned that it is important to have clear guidelines on communication.


My best practices is follow through and hold students accountable for the assignments.

My feelings

I learned a lot


The goal of communication rubrics is to provide consistent and clear guidance to ensure fair and consistent evaluation of student communication.

Clarity and understanding

The differences between individuals provides the greatest difficulty in communicating. Since the actual words represent less that 10% of communication, students and teachers need to be clear and deliberate in their communication to limit misunderstanding.

Clarity and understanding

The differences between individuals provides the greatest difficulty in communicating. Since the actual words represent less that 10% of communication, students and teachers need to be clear and deliberate in their communication to limit misunderstanding.

Guidleines for offensive communication

Setting guidelines for online communication provides for clear and effective communications while minimizing the chances for inappropriate or 

Communication tools

Selection of communications tools is vital to effective online teaching. It is only through the tools used that students understand as there is little, if any, direct interaction to clarify meaning. Ineffective tools greatly slows the process.

Un-social media

I'm ignorant towards the benefit of social media. It never has been an interest of mine personally. Professionally, perhaps.

Interesting Takeaways!

I thought the section about intrinsic motivation was incredibly insightful. Inspiring the students to cultivate motivation from within is something we should all strive for as instructors. 


The leveraging of technology section was also great. It made me consider how best to deliver content to online learners. 


I learned that it is important to have clear guidelines on communication. This will ensure that little to no errors may occur between students and teachers, as the expectations are clearly defined.

Meaningful parameters

This is the first deep dive into gamification.  I've been exploring this for several years on my own, but this is the first time I have been presented with the underlying research that makes this kind of teaching strategy possible.  I've always had students design their own games, as a way for them to demonstrate their 'buy-in'.  But the in-depth peer reviewed research bolsters my 'gut feeling' on continuing to add this into my repertoire.  

adult learners need encouragement

I believe one element we may forget as we teach adults, as they are accomplished, established, working parents, wives, husbands, family members, employees/employers: they are juggling 101 elements to achieve this degree: always encourage them always let them know they are doing well and it will all be worth it in the end!!!!

The Right to Die

Is it "my body my choice" or is this a slippery slope that historically has ended in disaster more than once?  Remember, 25% of all women are on antidepressants.  Have you had a day in which you would rather not be on the planet?  A week, or a month?...

Retention Strategies

Retention strategies are needed to ensure positive student outcomes. Although budget constraints exist, it is important to adopt a plan for engaging students in the class. This course reiterated the need to focus on those strategies and to also partner with the student to ensure that they are advocating for themselves.

Best advice I received for email communication

Never write in an email that you don't want on the 6 o'clock news.  You will be mistaken if you think these messages are private. Any email can be forwarded to someone else.