Myrna Sardina

Myrna Sardina

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Course revission is very imoortant and a key part in a course management.

Keeping in mind the student needs it is very important when considering a course revision.


Communication and feedback are very important.


Choose the design that meets your students need.


In this module the information provided about workload managment was very useful.


Encouraging contact between students and instructor, develop reciprocity, encourage active learning, respect diversity, etc are key for an effective online intruction.

The principles of a good practice are an excellent guide for me as a online instructor.


It is very important to know and use different synchronous communication tools.


Effective communication is one of the important things that students need to  develop for an effective community of learners.


The online learning enviroment is very different from face 2 face, as an insructor I need to know the students needs and help them achieve their goals.


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