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Comment on kenneth gay's post: Agreed

Comment on Todd Grzech's post: Agreed

you must be proficient in technology

Both the students and instructor have to be motivated and committed to the task at hand. It is much easier to guide when you know your process.

Understanding how to facilitate and assist your students online will provide a productive online learning experience.

Surely, the rubrics provide a guideline for student to know what is expected from them what will be assessed. 

Setting up a "safe" community from online discussions for students requires setting expectations for them as well as modeling what participation should look like. The instructor needs to monitor the quality and direction of discussion boards, but not stifle student input. When grading online discussions, using a rubric can help ensure fair and more consistent grading. 

Setting the rules since the very beginning is key as well as modelling. 

I have learned about the need to investigate the communication tools properly. We need to be aware of the pros and cons as well as must get feedback to make changes if necessary. 

I have learned that adults have different needs and that we need to address them effectively. Also, giving appropriate feedback is key so learners don't feel judged. 

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