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I liked the suggestions for initiating and managing asynchronous discussions. Taking into consideration how quick a chat can go and how they impacts slow readers. I will evaluate closer how the students learn and adapt my teaching around that to make sure they are engaging and learning the content. 

It is important to keep the conversation flowing in discussion-based learning forums. Sometimes it is on the instructor to ask questions that demand a response or as a means to direct the class through traffic. 


There are various learning styles of students , therefore it is with utmost importance to know your students so as a faculty , can bring out the best of the students and not have only the strong can dominate and the shy are left at the back burner. There should be guidelines when conducting either synchronous and asynchronous discussion so as not to veer away from the topic and to give each student a chance to voice out their opinions in a timely manner.


The types of learners and how to approach each type of learner. How to hold discussions synchornous vs. asynchornous. Engaging with a student and providing encouragement and confidence and motivation to enhance their learning experience. 

The information that I learned regarding asynchronous and synchronous discussions was quite useful and provided good advice when managing course discussions with my students.

Fostering Participation is the key to a successful online class.  The teacher needs to know how to reach the student may it be in a asynchronous forum style or synchronous small group using reflection for feedback needs to be on going.

I plan to add feedback to all graded reports and quizzes and make sure the criticism is used as a learning tool in a positive way.

Learning about the best uses of asynchronous discussions and synchronous discussions was very helpful.


Always give positive feed back and encourage students to participate

I realize now that when evaluating student learning it is best to use asynchronous communication. Students who are unsure about content will be less likely to contribute in a synchronous situation. 



Synchronous discussions is not recommended for large groups, there are four major disadvantages to using synchronous to teach critical course content. Synchronous discussions happens in real time and are known as chat session.

Where asynchronous discussions happen at different moments. The discussions take place over a period of time.

Understanding learning styles will help, some of these inhibit student participation,

Avoidant competitive & dependent.

All in all really good information


I like the idea of keeping the students informed or by sending an e-mail to help them undestand and not single them out if you feel they did not understand.

I liked the clear explanations between synchronous and asynchonous discussions.  I love how asynchronous pulls all students into the discussions and allows students time to prepare what they actually want to contribute to the discussions.  I will be for to plan for time in the beginning to socialize and get to form relationships with my students instead of just the nitty gritty.  


Asynchronous is better technique than synchronous as it allows slower readers to feel more confident. Using smaller groups in discussions will be more helpful. It will be extremely important to teach proper netiquette in discussion as we will not be able to see expressions. Feedback will be important when using discussions and giving private feedback for grading purposes will be important.  

Asynchronous conversations are intended for one student at a time. Usually when they are not understanding something. Synchronous conversations occur with all students.

Asynchronous instuction provides an aopportunity for all students to participate unlike a classroom setting where you may have one or wo students who consistently particiapte.

I liked the idea of providing summaries of the discussion board for review and for the instructor not to post until the end of the discussion board.


I found the suggestion toask students how the course is going and how you are doing to be helpful. I would even ask them to share what other teachers are doing that they like so that I can make improvements.

It is important to try both types communications with the students and to get feedback from them as to how you are doing as an instructor.

Knowing when to use the synchronous meeting for direct dialogue can help express the discussions made during asynchronous meetings. Interesting uses for both can help the students experience a more inclusive classroom.


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