Lynnette  Baker

Lynnette Baker

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Carefully design online course and make sure to use images, sound and videos. It is important to evaluate design of course from learner's point of view to make sure it has structural integreity.  Will need to revise after evaluating before releasing to students

A syllabus is needed for online learners and students also need to have quizzes at checkpoints to ensure they understand. They need to be able to re-assess these.  Tests, however, should only have one attempt. Modeling is key during e-learning so students know the expectations.

Everything we do in person can be done in an e-learning environment. I will try to implement more activities online than I did in the spring if we are e-learning again in the fall.

Learning will be more beneficial if there is organization and sequence in the course with multiple ways to learn. I will make sure if online teaching I will break the units into modules to make it more organized not only for students but also for myself.

It is important to communicate with students whether they are not participating or not following the online rules. I will need to document and find ways to efficiently save all correspondence. I will need to keep these records possibly by student name in order to be able to access them later. I will need to be aware of why students may not be participating and encourage them privately to stay engaged.

Asynchronous is better technique than synchronous as it allows slower readers to feel more confident. Using smaller groups in discussions will be more helpful. It will be extremely important to teach proper netiquette in discussion as we will not be able to see expressions. Feedback will be important when using discussions and giving private feedback for grading purposes will be important.  

It is important to get to know your students when distance learning just as it is when you are in person. If required to start the year with online platform, I will start by putting together my own biography as an example. Then, I will have students provide identifying information about themselves in order for me to get to know them. With new students at the beginning of the year it will help build a friendly, trusting learning environment. It will also help to identify any students with special needs.

I will need to become more familiar with Microsoft Teams.  I will also need to be able to provide more interactive work instead of just passive assignments for each student. In order for students to be successful and stay on task, I will also need to be able to provide assistance with technical issues they may have.

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