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writting notes to remind you of the mistakes that were made to make changes


I learned strategies to learn and improve from my mistakes. 


As instructors we have a tendency to second guess ourselves and a create textbook of 'what ifs' that causing increased apprehension before and during instructional time. We have to also keep in mind we are 'students' ourselves and we must use constructive criticism as a moment to improve. 

I like the post about having students write descriptors with each letter of their name.  This will help me get to know them better and remember their name.  


What struck me most in this section was the video where the speaker said something along these lines - the only way we can do the right thing well is to do the right thing poorly at the beginning.  I think this takes humility and openness.


This section explores common mistakes instructors made before and during class and it provides solutions on how to deal with them. 

Not being well prepared due to not knowing what to expect as a new instructor.

A lot of things to consider as a new professor.

Over prepare for class, if you make mistakess do not dwell on the mistake, learn from it and move on.

I have a hard time remembering names because of the constant turnover. I know they say it is a responsibility and a sense of acknowledgment but if I had the same students every day for a whole semester that makes sense. But with these excelled fast-paced nursing programs where an instructor has 35 - 40 students for one class in one day for four to five hours and you have other classes with different students throughout the week for only 9 weeks I do not see that as possible with everything else that is expected. It is not that I don't know the popular and the troubled student names but even then sometimes I stumble. I do play memory games in my smaller classes, but the larger ones.. it gets harder and most of the time there is no time to spare with individual introductions. Lecture time is needed, especially with subject matter that is difficult to learn. I need to make sure they have a good understanding of the material. especially when I am getting new groups every 10 weeks. Not to mention the days of covid and masks... it's not as feasible as one thinks.


Preparing for class before starting is important. 

If you need help, dont hesitate to ask for help from peers.


I will make sure to work hard to learn the names of my students

Being new to a campus can be challenging. Ihave learned how to introduce myself, and let students know that I am an experienced educator, with lots of years of experience. Instead of just saying to them that I havenever taught.


As was stated, we all make mistakes. Coping with and correcting them can be problematic. I like the idea of making a note of the mistakes made so that a deliberate effort can be made to correct them. I will be instituting this concept. Hopefully, it will help me to make less mistakes as I hate to make list of my mistakes.   


Don't be afraid to own and apologize for your mistakes. Teachers often expect perfection- that should never the be the goal for themselves or for their students! Making mistakes is part of the learning process; modeling for students how to recover, adapt, and move on after making a mistake is a powerful learning experience. 

Also, keeping a neat and tidy workspace shows students that you care about your work. When the teacher is messy or disorganized, students have a harder time trusting them with assignments, grading, attendance, etc. 

I love the Harvard quotes: "THe only way to do the right thing well is to do the right thing poorly first." And, from the same video snippet, "HOw do people experience you and how do people experience themsevles when they are with you?"


Be prepared, be organized, your students will pick up on that you are not prepared for class. 


Most of what teachers are afraid of won't happen. Establish respect and rapport with your students early on and don't be scared to admit if/when you don't know something. 


At the end of each sourse I choose a part of my instruction that could be better and take steps to enhance my instruction each time I instruct a new course

Recording mistakes and corrections throughout the term is an excellent tool and I plan to start utilizing it!

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