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Motivating your students is important for success. students look to you for expertise and knowledge so it's important to engage with them on a level that motivates them.

This was helpful in order to figure out how to navigate the students and keep them engaged when they could potentially get discouraged. 

Motivating students can be difficult when content seems overwhelming. I try to make the information relevant and practical by providing life experiences. I will use additional reinforcement by providing timely feedback to motivate student learning.   

Empathy and respect are key pillars for teaching. 

Knowing your subject and being able to motivate students is vital. Students want to know that they can succeed. Also, students want to know that the information they're learning can be used in the real world. I'd like to do simulations of the real world, so the information I'm teaching is just not information for information saved. It is the actual information that can be applied. The bottom line is this. Do you want to take the information and be able to solve the problem?

As educators we must provide an environment that students will feel comfortable taking risks. Lead by example and have empathy. 

Motivating students is necessary for student success. Adult students have hurdles to overcome each day as they invest in their education. Motivating students keeps them on track, and engaged and a feeling of accomplishment as they move through the course. 

The importance of preparation and how having that detail squared away allows for more time to engage and getting to know students

if a student is engaged with the material, they will have a high likelihood of a deep desire to understand and use the taught material in their chosen career path, being empathetic and having a lot of understanding will seem to go a long way to build credibility with students, who will then trust what you are trying to teach and see the value in lesson plan. 

Motivating my students to try something that may not be a favorite thing is critical to helping them succeed in the future and in class.

This module showed the importance of applying the training to real world situations and how to combine semantic and episodic memory in a beneficial way.

Recognizing the diverse reasons students pursue education allows educators to tailor our approach to better meet the students' needs. By understanding and catering to the diverse motivations of our students, we can create a more inclusive and effective learning environment that supports their individual needs and aspirations. 

Showing enthusiasm for your field helps translate to student motivation.

The best teaching involves understanding the relationship between motivation and support. 

Loving your subject and being excited about it is one of the most important tools in teaching. Motivating your students is essential to their actual learning process

Instructors have to have a grasp on what motivates their students at the core of their purpose as well as to stay enrolled in the program. Before any instructor is going to be successful in appealing to their student’s motivation, the instructor has to demonstrate their own motivation. This motivation should focus on their own enthusiasm for their being a leader and the facilitator of the course, class, and content. For an instructor to achieve retention it is necessary to apply motivational techniques that inspire learning the information and the skills the student originally sought to achieve. 
Too often students lose sight of why they committed to what has become a strenuous and tedious course of study. The stress of such a commitment be it professional, social and or economic can suppress motivation to the degree of a student becoming depressed. An instructor must have keen instincts to read the emotional cues to not only allow the student to avoid such a crisis, but to more importantly contain this so it does not spread throughout the entire class. This perception does not happen by reading a couple of paragraphs, it is an instinct that is built on an ability to be empathetic as well as sympathetic to a student’s inner-feelings, the most of which drive motivation. 

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students need for teachers to show empathy because they are all coming from all types of backgrounds. they need strong support from faculty because we may be their only source of support. 

One of my previous public speaking mentor gave me the advice "Know your audience". This is why: So you can relate to them and make the message meaningful and relatable, which leads to recall and integration. This is a great application of the principle. Good resonant lesson.

excitement and passion in my classroom with an open mind for learning

Life experiences serve as powerful learning supports. Give students opportunities to use personal experiences to acquire new knowledge, using both episodic and semantic memory.  By giving examples from experience students are able to retain a higher percentage of content and find ways to apply it.  Transfer of learning is based on using real world application and practice to move knowledge to working memory.  The 4 cornerstones that can be used by instructors to motivate and inspire are: sharing expertise/model industry expectation, have and express empathy and give students reasonable amounts of work that focus on the objectives, enthusiasm for the subject/career, and to be very clear in expectation/well prepared and able to think on your feet or respond appropriately.  Feedback should be frequent.

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