Kimberly Diesburg

Kimberly Diesburg

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Keep Syn conversations to one to two students. Make sure that all students feel engaged, and engage with them. Give frequent feed back to students online

If students are informed about you and your expertise, they will feel more protected in an unfamiliar environment such as online classes. They are hesitant if they have never done it before and they need to have assurance that you will guide them and not leave them hanging. 

It is important for all instructors to use several different learning styles when creating a class. 

Learning your students is knowing your audience. The more you allow them to express themselves the first day, the better an instructor can deduct how each student learns

Setting the tone, layout and objectives helps students to find value in their education. It also allows them to assess their own progress. Being dynamic and using all three methods of learning benefits ALL students

Model, Manage Motivate

Loving your subject and being excited about it is one of the most important tools in teaching. Motivating your students is essential to their actual learning process

Making the connection builds trust in any conversations moving forward. It creates a bond between the two parties

I need to monitor my body language, I need to seek to understand the needs of the person communicating, I need to rephrase to ensure my understanding and the other person will feel better that I understand

Be ever present in the conversation and pay close attention to the body language of yourself and student. Seek first to understand. 

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