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Reinforcement is important between teachers and students because it can help increase desired behaviors and improve learning outcomes and a good instructor knows their content.

Motivation is brought by both parties. With the instructor it has to be with the lectures, the information given to the student, the materials practiced, demonstrated, as well as the experiences. With the student, it has to be brought out. Make it exciting for them to want to come to class, be empathetic and understanding that we are all human and we have a life outside of school/work also. Be flexible, but motivate!

In this course I learned the importance of motivating students and keeping them motivated while also being understanding of life events. I intend to utilize the lessons in the course to help further students learning by keeping them motivated and being prepared for the class.  

Motivating the students by ensuring that they are well supported. Evaluating them within the scope of their comprehension and positive feedback on areas of their strength. 

The instructional cornerstones are expertise, empathy, enthusiasm, and clarity. I will be sure to use these strategies in my class.

Be prepared, motivated and caring as an instructor will keep the students engaged in their learning experience.

This module explained how to be a motivational instructor 


 I motivate my students by quickly grading work and providing feedback.

Providing expertise and real world/personal scenarios can help my students stay engaged, and also creating opportunities for feedback and chances for students to relate to the same information. Encouragement and feedback can be super important to keep students engaged and I hope I'm able to provide that as an instructor.

One of the things that stuck out to me when teaching was motivating the students by keeping them well informed about their progress.  That way they know how well they are doing and well be excited about learning and progressing.

Importance of motivated instructor

Using reinforcement, retention, and transference techniques is the best way to be a motivating instructor.

Bringing enthusiasm into the classroom can be very motivating and positive  

I learned the 4 cornerstones of instruction that can be used by instructors to motivate and inspire their students: these are empathy, expertise, enthusiasm, and clarity

Keep your students engaged and motivated. Be the one to get excited about the learning material and the field they are entering.

I learned that showing that you are enthusiastic and care about what you are teaching, it affects the students in a positive way because once they see how much you care about the subject or lesson, they're more likely to engage.

I will use stories from my experiences to motivate my students.  Let them know that i have been where they are and made it in the field.

refresher from college 

Showing excitement and enthusiasm towards the subject you are teaching will help students stay motivated and retain information better.

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