I love this section and it is something I always do in teaching. I believe there is no stupid question. I tell my students to ask me anything. I also tell them, "I am not a textbook", so I do not have all the answers and that is okay. I know where and how to find these answers and that is important. I do ask a lot of questions to the students, but this section helped me understand how to ask better questions. And I believe that students should never be put down. Positive teaching is essential to learning.
I love the concept of asking questions to gauge student learning. I also appreciated the information on the Socratic method and the specific types of questions that can be asked to facilitate deeper understanding and learning of the subject and improve student involvement.
From this module I learned about 'learning style' an the methods that individuals use are personal and useful to them. When teachig several styles should be used in the learning process. I will attempt to develop a way to incorporate several of the different styles into my classes. Taking an assessment on learning styles would be helpful to me, as a new instructor.
Very good application of questioning and its importance in teaching. It brings back at the end the first great teacher, Socrates. I like the break down of how to ask questions and the video that talks about when to use open and closed questions.
Don't be quick to judge,there is more than 1 right answer
Build upon responses to questions by asking other students to contribute; do not simply answer the question and move on.
use of appropriate questions to stimulate discussions and critical thinking.
Questioning students is a way to know and check if they have learned something and is somekind of a validation also that you as a teacher have been succesful in learning process.
The Socratic method of teachong is an exelcent way to teach your students a higher level of understanding of a subject
Posing questions to your students and use of the Socratic question techniques can be utilized to check for student understanding, increase student participation in the classroom, and stimulate useful, relevant dialogue to further learning and comprehension of the subject material.
I am finding this course very interesting. I am reinforcing some of my questioning techiques and learning new ones. We have recently gone to blended with majority of lecture on line, so I will need to modify some methods.
Any ideas?
Asking questions is a way to draw out understanding.
To be a little more intentional with my questions to target and better engage my traditional non-participators.
Socratic method is still relevant. I sometimes wonder if it is less effective, though, to use the method when a pre-determined goal is in mind. It is more complicated, but perhaps even more effective, when both the instructor and students truly are not after a goal, but truly exploring a topic.
Redirecting a question by asking one student to answer another student's question is a great tool for generating a conversation in the classroom and maintaining a high level of engagement.
I do agree questioning evaluates understanding but it also facilitates understanding through the development of further questions.
The correct use of questioning builds the confidence of the students. It helps them realize that they are a part of the process of learning.
The correct use of questioning builds the confidence of the students. It helps them realize that they are a part of the process of learning.
The use of questioning can be used to bring clarity when there is ambiguity. Use of questioning can also lead to more discussion on topics and more participation by the students.
I encourage my students to answer questions and use many of the techniques from this section.