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This module reinforced for me how important it is to plan questioning strategies to get the most from your time with students.


Always use open ended questions to keeep the dialogue open between the instructor and students. 

I learned that knowing how to question students properly is a good tool for instructional purposes.  


Asking the right questions and listening to what happens after that is just as important as the material being presented.


There is no such thing as a stupid question and students sometimes dint ask becasue they dont want to seem less knowdlgeable than other students 


  Through adequate engagement with the students by questions , the teacher should be able to:

   1). Share new ideas/concepts

    2.) Help student comprehend those ideas

    3.) Help student make inferences from those ideas to other situations

    4.) Help student apply that knowledge in another situation

     5.) Help students analize the application 

      6.) Help student evaluate the entire process. 



Making sure I am asking different questioning approaches for students to engage in participation.  Open ended questions are always a bonus as well. 

Many students have question anxiety. They need to know that it is ok not to have every answer. it also leads to better discussions. 

Made me think about how I can draw out better questions and ask better questions.

Asking questions can open up the student to new learning but it can also be a good way to shut down discussion and further attempts by the student to engage. Questions must be handled appropriately. Must be respectful. Use questions to expand on content and understanding, not to show how much you know. 

Proper questioning can lead to a deeper understanding of the subject or issue.


that is very important in how you ask questions and listen to their answers. 

Work off student feedback. Use it to better future courses. 

I learned from this module that students will be engaged with answering questions based on how the question is asked, how the instructor responds to the question, and how much the instructor expects. I think it is important to ask basic open-ended questions to start a discussion and keep the questions building upon each other. 


This module was helpful in learning how to use questions to further understanding of a topic and to increase students participation during lectures.

A phrase was used that I always tell my students. That there are no stupid questions. And, I try to encourage my students to ask questions during class. 

socratic method of teaching is effective by forcing individuals to question what they think they already know. furthermore it is crucial to ask questions and structure them in a way that it promotes critical thinking.

Questioning not only reinforces information it gives the presenter and idea of how he/she is presenting the material.

All questions are valid and should be treated with respect

I enjoy adding questions to my discussions, the students seem to like it as well


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