Questioning is another tool in your repertoire to utilize for teaching.
Asking questions lead to student discussions and answers
When I'm introducing myself to a class or student for the first time, one of the first things I touch on is asking questions. I make it very clear that my classroom is a judgement-free zone, and that no question is "stupid". However, I do provide them with various venues to ask their questions, in the event that they still aren't comfortable asking something publicly. In my experience, just having an option for them makes them feel more comfortable from the start, and they will be more likely to ask questions as they arise.
Wait time in the practice of questioning is so important. When I was a younger teacher I felt uncomfortable with wait time but now I see the value of letting the students pause and think about it!
Questioning students can enhance participation & learning, but it's all about the delivery method.
I've learned that as an instructor using questioning techniques can help facilitate participation, and it can also provide a more collaborative learning environment.
questions are used primarily to measure the students' understanding of the course material but a can also be beneficial to further engage class participation and bolster a team environment.
i prefer a directed discussion lecture method
There are many reasons to ask your students questions.
I have learned that the purpose of a question is more complex than simply attempting to get the right answer. There are many reasons to ask questions of your students, and only a few of those reasons are in order to get the right answer. Sometimes you ask a question to simply begin a converation, or get students to think in new ways.
By eliminating certain aspects of the discussion, we can focus or drill down on more specific topics and answers that will push students to stay relative and limit confusion.
I have learned on how and why using questioning as a tool to test student knowledge and enhance their participation during lecture.
I have learned ways in which to ask student’s questions. Not to just call on one person all the time and how to approach those students who are shy and do not answer or ask questions in class. Also to wait a few seconds to allow the student to get their responses out. Also if students are not responding to the questions then I may need to approach in a different way or choose a different question.
I learned that different types of questioning can help gauge the understanding of the students as well as guide the conversation around the course content.
Don't ask students too broad of a question.
Asking questions leads to better understanding. The type of questions instructors ask the students to lead to better knowledge matters. Questions such as “why” instead of “what” will help delve into a deeper knowledge of the subject matter. The Socratic method can be used by instructors to allow the students to gain a more in-depth knowledge and understanding and it will help related the students to the information being taught.
I learned by using different types of questions you give students different opportunities to answer the questions. I never thought about it this way and I plan on using this technique to open up the level of fear in the class room.
Questions and questioning between students and teachers provide an interactive path of communication that is or should be a respectful dialogue. Questions also solidify what students have learned and provide valuable insight for a teacher to recognize a student’s participation. Questions can be used as a tool for instructors to marshal greater interest in a particular subject or to spark interest that might be lagging in another subject.
Of course…there is the answer component of the questioning. The response to questions can be used to reveal what students are learning or better said, what they have retained.
Posing the question in a different way, into more of a relative type question, ensure's the type of answer needed for a explanation. Will also lead to a more in depth discussion and therefore a deeper understanding of the subject matter.
I have learned to rephrase my questions sometimes to get the students thinking.