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This lesson gave me an insight on how and why using questioning as a tool to enhance students participation during lecture which I will incorparate.


Queation everything , asking leads to understanding for everyone 

Asking appropriate questions and formulating encouraging responses will enable your class to discuss material in a stress free environment. This will allow memorization of new material through discussion which often builds upon material that was discussed in lecture but may not fully be processed by some students. Many times students learn through paraphrased answers by their peers. By initiating a question and answer forum, students can review information in a different format.

Asking open ended questions can involve the entire class.

I have learned that there are many forms ofquestioning to engage the students participation in the course study.

Don't be quick to judge,there is more than 1 right answers 


Questioning can improve student participation, allow students to think about the why and not just the what, and enourage further thought about a subject. I will use Socratic questioning whenever possible as a more effective  method than expository lecture.


Yes effective questioning comes from the understanding the material and students backgrounds and using examples they understand.


Understanding questioning techniques and the application of questioning creates efficiences in the instructor, participation of the students and enhances overall learning.

This lesson gave me an insight on how and why using questioning as a tool to enhance students participation during lecture. 

Great refresher on questiong techniques and critical thinking. I plan to use new concepts to frame course objectives and summaries as questions and develop 5-6 pivitol questions to guide and connect course material.

this gave me some good ideas on hot to use questions not only to test student knowledge but also to drive discussion in the class and improve student engagement. 

Techniques for redirecting questions to another student and methods to stimulate or 'throttle down' the pace of the class through questioning.

I  am now more aware of (i) how to ask questions in class and (ii) some of the fears that students experience in the classroom setting. 


From this module, I learned of the Socrates Method of asking questions. By asking these types of questions it helps an individual think of the question at a higher level of understanding. 

  Knowing how to question students properly will be effective instructional tool. Students stay focused being involved in the learning process.

I have learned that Questioning  builds the students but it is all in the approach or tecchnique of how it is guided

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