Activity Feed Discussions Blogs Bookmarks Files

Have you developed or discovered a presentation, paper, report, or any other document that you’ve found useful in your work? Share the file with your peers as they may find it helpful as well. Describe the uploaded file and solicit comments to enhance engagement and learning.

different types of quizzes

The different types of quizzes and assessments can determine what exactly and how your students are retaining the knowledge that is being taught to them.

Transcript form

This fom must be utilize when requestion transcript


I time-to -time prepare a illustrated study guide for my student to foucus on the testing content

Active Learning / Benefits of Using a Group Dynamics Approach and Flexible Seating Arrangements

I accomplish the encouragement of active learning into my courses by exploring and experimenting with flexible seatng arrangements and rotating group members.  In these sitautions, my role as the instructor is more like a facilitator.  In order to improve successful interaction, I keep moving, monitorng, and interacting students, all the while applying the principles of group dynamics, which might sometimes even include breaking ties and bottlenecks.  In other words, I go with the flow!  Keep things flowing!  These types of dynamics are very helpful in a career college environment.  There is much opportunity for using active learning techniques in the… >>>

A Discussion Article

I teach Psychology. In both the classes I start with this article as an icebreaker. And I do it in many ways. It can provoke a lot of conversation and thoughts how they see themselves and others and reflect on themselves for a while before we hit topics in class and they continue on their journey.

Prepare Outline

Having an outline, not only helps the faculty keep track that all objectives are covered for the day, but also let the students know the expectation for the day.


I use UpToDate a lot which is the best evidence based medicine reference.

I have attached a screen shot for your review.