Claudine Cooper

Claudine Cooper

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Technology can be very benrficial for many reason being that it can both support and compliment a course. 

Learning obecjtives are important for mesuring purposes to determine a success of the course and of the students. 

Lesson plan are very benefical as thwy can be used as a measuring instrumnet  to see of the outcomes are being meant.  

Lesson plan are a roadmap to stay on the path. 

It is important to have a lesson plan so you and students are aware of what is beuing covered. 

Learning assessments are a way of determining if the course is success. 

Assessments are important in measureing if they are retaining the content and how it can be applied.  

Questioning students helps determine if they are retaining the content and if not provides you with an an opportunity to fix the situation. 

Is it important to know the audience of your classrom so you can flex your teaching style to youe students,  


I learnt the importance of flexing your instruction to accomodate the different learning styles. 


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