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Ask a question from your peers to help you in your professional work. Seek different points of view on a topic that interests you. Start a thought-provoking conversation about a hot, current topic. Encourage your peers to join you in the discussion, and feel free to facilitate the discussion. As a community of educators, all members of the Career Ed Lounge are empowered to act as a discussion facilitator to help us all learn from each other.

ways to motivate employees

what are some suggestions on how to motivate staff after lay-off's occur?

holding space

What are some examples of creating a holding space? Logistically where are they located? Is creating a loose agenda prior to a good idea to have some structure?

emotional intelligence

What does it mean and how do you use it to drive performance?

Leaderhsip principles

What leadership principles do you find most important in following the vision of your company?

employees sharing

Have you ever encountered a problem with the culture of an organization wanting to keep things the way they are? How did you respond?

management style

What is situational management and when is it effective?

Leadership in Life

It's funny how so many people do not believe that they have leadership abilities but are a leader everyday. There are so many leadership skills that I employ at work that I also use in my personal life. From being a parent to a teacher, you still use the same skill set. This is another way that we can build confidence in our staff and students in growing in their leadership capabilities. Showing them that the same type of leadership skills they apply outside the workplace, can also be utilized and honed inside the workplace.

Success in project management

The best laid plans can be destroyed by inept workers. A vital success tool is the hiring of people with integrity and accountability to carry out the plans.

Employees Motivation

How would you motivate an employee, when after speaking to that individual informs you how they like to be motivated, but does not respond to the type of motivation when applied?

Weekly Meetings

I am required to attend weekly meeting for my position currently. I sometimes find myself asking, is this really needed. Most of the information can be circulated via email and we are such a small department, that we talk with each other daily. I have learned from this course that it would be beneficial to send out information prior to the meeting so that we can come prepared to discuss issues. Currently, we bring up the point of discussion and then we are assigned to come next week with a solution or update. I feel our time can be used more wisely if we had material prior to the meeting,do you have any other ideas to make weekly meetings more beneficial to attend?

Project Managment

Wow, I was really enlightened with the details of this module. It was very informative. Understanding the levels of the project can be overwhelming. Transforming an conception into a reality where it can be measured consists of the steps of planning, scheduling any other activities in order for the project to be a success. Makes sense now!!

Employees who are burned out

What or how do we motivate employees who are burned out and never apply for promotional opportunities?

Project managemet

Without question all four phases are contingent to one another, however, I would heavily target my focus on preparation/planning. As all phases are important; having a well-designed plan allows smoother transition to the next phase.

Moving up the ladder

As a new manger I have been approched by a team member looking for a promotion. I have talked to him about developing a plan to move in that direction he has only been with the company a year and we have had conversations about his preformnce and time managment. As of latley I have taken extra duties off his plate so he could balance his work load better. He is a team player with alot of potential but really needs to continue to grow and develop. What is the best way to express this with out demotivating him?


Very well put together and very helpfull in refressing the mind on howe we manage.

Active Listening

One of my biggest problems in meetings is to regulate myself. I often find that when I run a meeting I can be a bit overbearing. active listening is a skill that I try to practice as much as possible during meetings in order to avoid just me dominating the discussion.

Leading and Motivating

Our company is not issuing raises this year, so I am finding it difficult to keep my Program Directors and faculty motivated. I recognize hard work and praise them often. What other ways can I keep them motivated so our students don't feel it in the classrooms?

Motivating Problem Employees

I found myself enjoying this course especially when I feel that I have most of the leadership and management skills. Except, dealing with problem employee. I have been working on this lack of skill for awhile. I will start using the three-step approach mentioned in the course to help me. Any other suggestions?


How do you recognize/combat groupthink before it becomes ingrained in the team. My team is very small (2) and I'm afraid it may be affecting us

What's good

We regularly end our meetings with what's good this week. It often leads some to go on for some time - oftern about personal matters, and others just pass. Do you think this a best practice?