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Learned leadership skills that all leaders should have.

Effective Leadership

Being a leader is more than about being in charge, it is listening to what others are asking/saying and taking into account what will be best for the group.

Developing basic leadership qualities and skills

Developing professional boundaries with employees and keeping emotions out of professional decisions.

Leading with Influence

Leadership skills are important.

Be more personable

Take steps with students to be more personal


Effective leaders are helpful and understanding

SUB 104

I enjoy best practices

Knowledge gained regarding managerial styles

In this class I learned that partially blaming oneself to a problem employee is not appropriate.

Leading with Influence - being positive and constructive for the organization

Today, I was reassure that management styles should not be all encompassing for supervised staff. I've learning that managers should take the time to learn their individual employees because they each bring a different benefactor to the organization. In such managers should always self-evaluate and reflect prior to meeting with their employees because often times the reflections and actions are projected onto their employees, and can lead to conflict, resistance or push-back. I also learned that managers should conform to positive daily productive process because their actions and attitudes often contribute the to the daily environment and success of the… >>>

A few steps to motivate and inspire teams

Below are a few important best practices that will motivate and inspire teams.

Clear Goal Setting
Empower People
Provide Support
Communicate the Vision
Show Appreciation and Value
Know Your Employees

Managing Styles

It's always goo to adjust managing styles to fit new groups and to always listen and seek advise from experience peers for problem solving. 

Stay Motivated and Dedicated


As a leader it is important to always use empathy and listen very carefully to all of your staff. Remember we need to act professional at all times in order to show the staff the level of how we want our team to run. Make sure we use our daily core values of respect and trust in order to build dependability and a stronger team. Lastly, it isn't easy to lead but what I noticed is just like in the training, leadership can be developed, and practiced for success some day for all staff members. 


We all somehow have a specific goal in life. From young age we dream of something or we have a wish, we want to be or to have. Discipline, the entourage, the environment, that strong desire within must be the driving force to get you there. That vision to be must be strong enough that nothing, no one can stop you. Of course, obstacles, friends even our own bad habits might keep you short of that goal transformed into a vision. It takes more than the idea to be to reach a specific goal.

Change Management

Helpful information to see how effective leadership through organizational changegs, involves staff autonomy, engegment and motivation.


From this i was able to take the different styles out. I will try to use them with my manager when an issue arrises and see if we can communicate better in our team. 

Difference between manager and leader

The manager does things right; the leader does the right thing.” Warren Bennis.

Turning Training

I can use what I've learned by putting it into action. Action being utilizing it when evaluating team performance


Learning how to control/lead a meeting that has team with different personalities is a must to help reach goals set by your organization to be accomplished. You must learn how to meet the challenges by going through obstacles presented by the team.

Always be willing to change and be willing to learn and grow

We all work differently and keep the ending goal in mind of the best way to get there as a team. 

Developing Basic Leadership Qualities

Everybody can practice and develop effective leadership skills.

Simple, but effective communication is what unites and motivates members of an organization.