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I currently use the tracking tool. It has rendered good results in tracking the progress of the student. I am excited about implementing the audion tool. I can see this as having a positive impact during the feedback process.

I learned that it is important to know the function of technology assessment before selecting and using it to assess student performance. Second I learned to obtain feedback from the students so that appropriate changes, if necessary, can be made. Last, I learned to consider investigating more than one technology assessment tool and functions in order to avoid selecting one that would not correctly assess students. 

Evaluation form the students is critical to the development of a good learning situation on line.

Selecting the tool that will give me feedback from the students specific to their understanding of presentation and their skill and/or knowledge base is imperative.



Be sure to carefully assess the tool before administration to students to ensure a high rate of success. In addition to this solicit feedback from students to assess further effectiveness.


When it comes to online assessments of students you want to take stock of the options you have and then choose the evaluative tool that will be the most accurate for your students as well as be able to accurately assess them on the information you have provided in the class. 


Instructors must choose the appropriate type of assessment that will provide the most feedback to detect whether the students are meeting the class objectives.  This module gave me some new ideas about using online technology tools for assessment - although we use the Word TrackChange function within the department, I had not thought about using them for formative assessment of student projects.  I am also interested in exploring more about the use of WebQuests for assessment.  This module also emphasized the importnace of using various types of assessment from the following categories: knowledge-based, performance-based, portfolio-based, and project-based.  Students may perform with different levels of success depending on the type of assignment and assessment used, given their different strengths and learning styles.  Finally, this module provided a good template for assessing tool effectiveness on end-of-course evaluations.  If the assessment tool isn't adequately measuring the students' progress towards obtaining class objectives, or is difficult to use, instructors must consider using a different type of assessment.

There are numerous ways to assess students using many of the technical tools designed for each individual assessment. Tests, quizzes, virtual labs, and web based projects are all great tools used for assessing students. Providing adequate feedback to each student and communication is essential for a successful outcome. All tools must be carefully researched to ensure you're using the best tools for you and your students.  You don't have to use all of the features of all tools, pick out what works for your teaching in whichever/however many tools you decide to use.

Mostly, this module has expanded my concept of "assessment" - I had never thought of track changes as an assessment tool.


The information that I have learned from this training is that it is improtant to test out different technology tool before applying as a learning tool. It will aslo help to get the feedback of the student. 

Different ways to asses the students with different tools !

I learned that it is essential to choose assessment tools which are appropriate for the assignments being given. In order to choose the best tool for the given assignment/set of outcomes, one must fully research and understand what is available before deciding on a particularl assessment tool. 


The assessment tools an instructor chooses must appropriatly reflect the objectives of the course beint taught.

Understanding the different assessment tools, the advantages/disadvantages of each will help in creating a variety of assessments and ensuring the learning objectives are met. 

Assessment tools are key to aiding a teacher in improving outcomes of the students. Curriculum as well as the skill of the professor need to be assessed so the learning of the student can be optimzed. 


The use of appropriate tools should be well thought out and reviewed at course end by students and instructor as to their effectivness.  Using different tool will help student to better understand the course and that we as instructors need to remember that each student needs a different tool to obtain the information.  


Ninive Martin Del Campo

I learned about several assessment tools I have not used. I would love to see an example of a WebQuest and I plan to look one up online. I'm curious as to whether anyone has use this assessment tool and how they liked it. I also like the questions asked about the effectiveness of various tools. I think those should be incorporated in the evaluation of classes. I like the idea of a large test bank and allowing students to take a quiz many times. That is my belief that this simply enables the student to learn more in addition to getting a better grade.

Nancy Tosh

Any tool used to teach whether online or F2F needs to be researched and evaluted to ensure that it is the most appropriate tool available.


Ensure you are reviewing all the possible tools available and analyzing the pros and cons of each before making a choice. Using the wrong tools can hinder student learning and affect their ability to show progress. 


Data gathered from students is the best way to ensure the quality of assessment, I feel it is so important to find out what the students need in order to be successful!  What I have also learned so far are the pros and cons of technology as there are several things to consider with online learning.

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