Emily Whitby

Emily Whitby

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I've learned that engaging students effectively, whether in person or online, requires understanding their individual learning styles and needs. As an instructor, I intend to apply this by incorporating varied learning activities and resources into my courses, allowing students to learn at their own pace and ensuring they are actively involved in the learning process. 

I now understand how crucial it is to evaluate students' internship experiences to make sure they meet learning goals and prepare students for their future careers. As a teacher, I can implement this by stressing the importance of setting clear goals at the start of internships, promoting regular feedback from supervisors, and helping students reflect on their experiences through journals or presentations, which will help them develop important skills for their future jobs.

I've learned that supervising interns well means the on-site supervisor and the internship coordinator at school need to work together closely. As a teacher, I can help students by teaching them about what they need to do during their internships, helping them set goals for what they want to learn, and making sure everyone stays in touch during the internship. This way, students can get the most out of their internship experience and be ready for their future careers.

I've learned that structured internship agreements and clear communication are essential for a successful internship program. As a teacher, I plan to apply this by helping students to create detailed internship contracts  and by encouraging regular reflection through journals. This will help students combine classroom knowledge with real-world skills and enhance their career readiness.

From this module, I've learned that providing meaningful internship experiences is important for students' career readiness. As a teacher, I can apply this by guiding students in setting clear internship goals, helping them find internships aligned with their interests and skills, and preparing them to actively engage in professional environments. 

By providing internship opportunities aligned with students' career goals, we can help students gain confidence and contribute effectively in professional settings.

I've learned the importance of recognizing and adapting to diverse personality types to enhance classroom dynamics and learning outcomes. I intend to apply this by tailoring my teaching methods to better suit individual students' needs, allowing for more flexibility in completing assignments.

This lesson can help me to recognize and appreciate the diverse personalities and learning styles of my students, and by applying this knowledge in teaching, I can better tailor my teaching strategies to better meet the individual needs of each student, fostering a more inclusive and effective learning environment.

Recognizing the different personality types of students can help me to recognize the different needs of students as well as the best ways to fill those needs. It also gives me insights into best instruction practices that will help different students grow and develop in my class.

I've learned the importance of reaching out to each student within the first week of class to make a connection with them.

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