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One of the important factors is being able to communicate well with the students what your objective with each assignment, making sure the student understands. Make sure they understand what you are wexpecting from them in their assignments on the specific topic. Allow time after class for students ask questions and if you know a student is uncomfoprtable to ask a question in front of the class set a time you can speak on-on-one. 

Goals are feedback and student being able to manage time.


Expectations should be clear and set high.  Communication must stay in effect between instructor and student.  Prevent procrastination.  Encourage and praise student's work as appropriate.

Understanding the 7 principles of learning are valuable guidelines for success in an online learning environment.  Although these guidelines were developed years ago, they still very much apply to the online learning environment today.

Goal planning will have impact on how a student learns. To be successful as a teacher or student, one should use the seven principles for learning as guidelines. 

Being able to set your students up for success through use of the proper and approrpiate tools.  


Mary Downs

I have always taught my students that Time Management and Organization are two skills they can use to get and keep good grades.  Time Management Skills are important in the Success of online students.  The Seven Principles of Learning is equally important  for teachers and students.  I would apply the Seven Principles of Learning in my Syllabus to set students' expectations and the tone for online learning.  Students focus more and have less Pitfalls.


Encourage the students to set aside the necessary time for learning each module.  Hopefully this will be helpful in encourage productivity and participation.  This along with consistent instructor feedback should help many of the students succeed at distance learning.


It is important to encourage students to plan and set goals and avoid pitfalls such as procrastination that usually jeopardizes online students' performance. Also, never giving up on your students. Always finding a way to motivate them and let them know you want them to give the best version of themselves and work hard.  I will ensure that I apply the 7 principles of good practice in my online teaching

Reviewing "Netiquitte" rules up front with students will reinforce acceptable ways of communicating and respecting others via the internet.  Introducing instructors to the 7 Principles of Learning should provide a positive online learning environment to help students have a positive and rewarding virtual classroom experience.

I plan to discuss the 7 Principles of Learning with my students, as well as expectations for nettiquite. Engaging students in a process of setting norms for communication online is an activity that will help create student owernship of the culture of the class, and create buy-in. Also the 7 Principles of learning when discussed from both the student and teacher perspective help to set expectations for student/teacher and student/student interactions that will help to promote a positive class culture, and make the online classroom a comfortable and safe environment in which to ask for help from both instructor and peers. 

7 principles of learning is fundamental for an instructor

Helping student to become aware of potential pitfalls so they can avoid them.  The seven principles of learning.

Communication and active learning are key elements to the success of the student in an online class.


It is important to encourage students to utilize time and efforts for competing online courses material  and doing well


Understanding the 7 principals of learning and the importance of each one. 

Time management as a resource is vital. We all have many things affecting our lives. Interruptions happen. Plan ahead. apply the 7 principles. We all learn at a different pace.

The principles of learning would be good to share with students in the beginning of a course in order to set expectations.  


Effective time management is super important. 

As long as they are active and engaged, the students should be able to thrive in the online environment. The difficulty is bringing up the motivation level for those that do not want to engage.

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