Nicole Arndt

Nicole Arndt

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There are many ways to implement teaching, specifically the seven principles

Accesiblity is vital for teaching with students with disabilities.  So many different types of technology is available.


Disabilities and requirements and/or items to consider when teaching isn't anything new but something to always be thinking about

In this module we learned about the different disabilities, I was very surpised at the percentages of disabilities!

In this module we learned about content, reliability and most importantly metarubics.  Basically reliability is key to a good rubric!


In this module we learned how to build a rubric and all the different aspects of a rubric and why each are important.


In this module, we learned about the different types of assessments and how they are useful when reflecting on rubics.

In this module we learned the advantages and disadvantages to using rubrics.  The advantages definitely outweigh the disadvantages and it's important to know when to use them and when not.


In this module we learned about the 7 priniciples of learning!  Communication is key and these principles make for a valuable learning experience for the students.


It is extremely important to understand all of the technical components along with ensuring that students understand or your able to to get them to understand so they get the most out of their online experience


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