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Deciding whether your class will be asychronous, sycronous, or a hybrid fof both needs to be decided before the class begins.  Also, there are advantages and disadvantaes to both that need to be considered.

Guidelines need to be clearly shared for students to understand their role in the learning process. I like the idea of a discussion board for math class- to understand where the students are at and what they need. 


I like the emphasis on the importance of regularity and following a predictable pattern so students learn what to expect and where to go for resources and assignment submission.  I feel this predictability is especially important now as we are changing to online teaching and using new and unfamiliar tools.

I am working in an enviroment that actually is utilizing a blending of both styles. We have daily calls that all students are required to be on, but they also have a component of the class that they have to complete on their own time and submit by certain deadlines. It really highlights students that are sucessful with both methods and also highlights students that struggle with one style or the other. 


Synchronous and Asynchronous learning are both important in an online environment. Communication is key to a successful E-learning course.

I learned that both syncronous and asyncronous can work.  Communication and organization is very important.

Due to the Pro/Con nature of both, intend to mix them appropriately.

Because of the specific population that i am teaching, i am interested in interactions that involve as much verbal and as little reading/writing as possible.  I learned about virtual classrooms and would like to know more about voice over power point.

A significant difference between synchronous and asynchronous learning is instant messaging and immediate feedback. With synchronous learning, learners can receive immediate feedback from their fellow students or teacher through instant messaging. Asynchronous learning doesn't enable that type of interaction.

Synchronous and Asynchronous learning both have their pros and cons. When deciding which approach to take, you really have to look into what your course needs to successfully teach students. In my program, Computer Aided Drafting and Design, I believe we could benefit from a blend of the two. Starting off synchronous to get new students used to the LMS and the applications used in the program and moving to more and more asynchronous learning as students become more confident with the applications and techniques.

Synchronus learning is live class, the disadvantage is if someone can not get online at that time. This is aslo a more engaging type of learning. Asnchronus can be accessed any time of the day it is not as engaging. The sudent also can not be a procrastinator when working and leaning this way. 

Organization and Comunication ares importanting for teachers as wellas students when setting up your course of study.

 It looks to me that you will need to use both synchronous and asynchronous .

Asynchronus and synchronus teaching both have pro and cons to learning.  It is important to know which type of teaching technique to use with learner and their learning style. 

Knowing my teaching method will help to identify my short-comings.  I will develope guidelines that will assist myself and the students through proper course oraganization of content. 


I have been doing synchronous and asynchronous methods, just didnt know it.

I've found Power Points to be very helpful along with synchronous learning.

I like both methods!

communication in both direction is key both from the instructor to the student but also from student to instructor 

Clear communication between the student and teacher is vital. Lack of communication can derail student learning and effective teaching. 

Being able to communicate and teach students whether it's asynchronous or synchronus helps students. You always want to have an open communication and be able to get back to them quickly.

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