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I personally would like asynchronis and not have to coordinate all the students through time restrictions

I feel this was important to learn about the two different environments of learning. In both its essential to communicate and be engaged with students. You must have some type of flow as an instructor so that content is organized.

I learned that communicatoin and organization is the key, to student and instructor understand the course.

I can see how both the synchronous and the asynchronous approach have both advantages and disadvantages.  My preference is majority of the content be presented in asynchronous format through over voice PP, discussion/response, online assessments, weekly virtual class interaction, and virtual office hours.  The asynchronous learning provides our students with anytime and anywhere access, as well as, self-learning in a constructivist model, which puts more responsibility on the learner to engage and demonstrate the depth of their understanding.  The less engaged learner will require more monitoring and all will require constant and supportive feedback and encouragement!

I have learned that organization and communication are key components in online learning.  If we do not have either of these it will be hard for the student to be successful.  Also, consistancy is very important as well.  Students can get into a rhythm in a classroom environment if there is consistancy which will lead to them being more successful. 


There are advantages to both synchronous and asynchronous learning. The biggest disadvantage to asynchronous learning is that it requires more self-motivation on the part of the student. Synchronous learning engages students which is a way to motivate them too.

Over all, I'd say that I am much more a fan of synchronous teaching environment. I do appreciate that this is often harder to facilitate because of scheduling/etc, but the positives, assuming all students are somehow available, outweigh the negatives.


Organization and communication are key in this topic!

Making sure that the Students and the Teacher are in "the same page"

Due dates for assignments is very important for both Synchronous and Asynchronous

It is important to have an open line of communication for online classes and understanding your students needs. Also being organized and meeting deadlines will help better the online experience.

It is important for instructors to establish a pattern of teaching. They need to be consistent.


That synchronous learning can be much harder to get set up because of access and all the other components involved. Asynchronous learning is much easier, once the student understands all the components.

I will be relying mostly on synchronous learning.  There will be activities that the students will do as asynchronous learning, but the majority of how they will learn will be in Virtual Classroom.



We've been doing a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning for a while and I'm glad that this module really reinforced how important consistancy is. It took us a while to really figure that out and get everyone on board with it. 

The best new idea that came from this past midule was the idea of a FAQ page that students could help to answer, incentivizing them to do so.  I like it!


Instructors are more in demand when they have the knowledge and experience in BOTH  Synchronous and Asynchronous teaching styles  and organization skills. Overall, the students benefit from Instructors with these skill set.

I leant the importance of contrasting when to use synchronous and asynchronous learning methods, developing delivery guidelines, facilitating instruction and that establishing a consistent pattern of devilvery is critical.

The knowledge was very useful and I will begin to use feedback to help me establish course guidelines, consistency and establish an effective pattern of delivery, communication and better outcomes. 

I will also have a first day guideline outlining course expectations, objectives, content, assessments, submissions and due dates.

Synchronus and Asynchronous learning techniques must come with guidelines to ensure the best possible learning outcomes.

This module has taught us about a few different forms of communication with the students. synchronus and asynchronus are 2 common useful forms of communciation both with there own advantages and disadvantages. Your choice should depend on student capabilities, timeframes, course content, etc. 

Having different ways to communicate to students within the Learning Management System is important whether synchronous or asynchronous. 

La comunicacion y la organizacion son importantes para la ensenanza en linea.

I learned the differences between synchronous and asynchronous class. Each method has its advantages, for example the synchronous provides a more personal approach between instructor and students. Meanwhile, asynchronous encourage students individual responsibilties.

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