Tina Beale

Tina Beale

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It's important to reflect on the facilitation process and in doing so it helps instructors to improve their teaching and identify and test strategies that will improve learning. Another integral element modifying content and this should be continuous. Likewise, instructors must always find ways to promote student engagement and how content is provided and delivered in an online environment.


Module evaluation is important because it enables the facilitator to know how well students are learning and whether the learning outcomes have been achieved.


It's important that an appropriate learning method be selected for an online course. Guidelines are also important too as they regulate what's expected of students and enforced. When th learning environment is organised and there are guidelines, over time a pattern of teaching emerges. The pattern consists of several components. These include learning outcomes, communication, centralised location, submission of assignments, content delivery as well as questions and answers.


It's important that technological tools are assessed to see their effectiveness in the teaching learning process. This feedback must be obtained from students whether during the course or at the end of it. Instructors must have an understanding of technological tools in order to assess their effectiveness.


Course review is a continuous, iterative process that requires the use of multiple tools to capture the considerations of multiple stakeholders.


There are different types of assessments - formative, summative, self and peer. I was only aware of the formative, summative and peer. I will incorporate self-assessment throughout the remainder of the semester because it can identify patterns with how students learn.


Online course syllabii must be dynamic across time, in content and it must be adaptable to students' comment. Effective communication is also crucial to successful learning scaffolding.


It is critical that the learning process is transparent and student-centred.


I've learnt that effective communication is key to resolving conflicts, managing attrition, counselling students and managing the learning environment.


I've learned how to foster participation, confidence and student engagement in synchronous and asynchronous discussions in online environments.


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