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Having students show up for every class...

Sometimes I feel students generally feel very well about the course; nevertheless, there are ocassions where any given class has interesting lessons, and some that are not as appealing. In the past I have certain students that despite having this positive attitude of enjoying the course, ask me what objective will be covered in the next meeting... I would say 4 out of 5 times the student takes the topic into consideration and may decide not to show up for the next meeting (especially if the current class session maybe has been exhausting.) Often I may believe this is because the student may presume that the upcoming lesson is of questionable importance or maybe finds it better to be read about it and skip the lecture. What might be a good way for motivating students to willingly attend class, assuming that not every class day is as exciting? (I CAN make them show up if I were to enforce evaluations every meeting and have strict attendance policies... yet I would like the students to actually want to come to class.) Any feedback or suggestions on this will be of great value! :-)

Instrinsic and extrinsic concerns

Hello Gary, I've considered using an initial student interview to find out what the situation of each student is, in order to better address their needs. In this initial interview, I may ask question about their personal situation, for example, I might ask students during this interview process, if they have special situations, such as being a single parent, or if they work, and can't get here on time. Whatever the situation, it gets it into the student profile. This way I have it on file from the begining, and can evaluate options, or alternatives that can be used to insure success for the for the remainder of the course. What do you think? Andrés


I think that it was great to see the mention of Disabilities. I believe it is very important, as an educator, to be able to recognize the signs of disabilities - physical or mental - as most students are not aware they may have them.

How do you motivate students that come from working all day from 9am-5pm...

when they are exhausted physically and mentally? When teaching in the evenings...I find it necessary to give more breaks for coffee and leisure in order to ensure that they maintain their ideal level of attention span for maximum retention.

Is it recommended to create games to enhance learning when teaching a topic that...

doesn't exactly generate excitement or enthusiasm?

How do you provide personal attention to students who have language barriers?

I find it very difficult to provide instruction to students who have language barriers and would like to know what would be the best way to accomodate them.


Hi I work with an institute that has monthly enrollment. That means ever month I get new students that I have to incorporate with existing students. One of my biggest challenges is not allowing the students who are just about to graduate, bring down the newer students. All the newer student energy is what I would like to transfer into the existing student. Does anyone have words of wisdom for me?

i think any time you can use more than one method to teach a student a new piece of information you should use every means too get that information too them where it be props handson labs video or instructor demenstration

ask a certian too repeat in his own words what you have just covered in a lecture

use a bunch of props too make the lesson more intresting

get each student to talk amoungest each other

being alert to what your students hear from you


Students need daily support of how well they are doing. They do not want to hear how bad it is going. Therefore an instuctor must find something in the course of the day that will perpentuate a positive response no matter how small. For the student a positive response can make his or her day. The bottom line is to develop a means of rewarding those who need alittle more than the rest.

A safe and enjoyable enviornment

The student must feel comfortable in his or her enviornment. They must feel safe that for what ever the reason they could always turn to their instructor for help. They must feel secure that though the instructor represents authority, the instructor will always be there for them. My director may not have planned this but it worked out this way. His office was and now is the first aid room. Instead of the student having to deal with an authoritative entity that can be perceived as "The principal", he will do what it takes to HELP. Truly the first aid room is a place for a student asking for help. The student leaves such enviornments with a feeling of security in their future. That security allows the student to return to the instructors class with the strength and drive to accomplish their goals.

Career goals

Can students be motivated that have not set career goals? These students seem to be in a group that shows the highest drop out rate. Mixing them with students that have set firm goals only frustrates them.

Student Retention

One must take the time to see who is excited about the program. One must see if there is some that do not have the excitement and lack the enthusiasm. Take those and redevelop different stategies so to retain the interest of those that need special attention. This for me is not a challenge but the real labor of love I signed up for.

As an educator I feel a responsibility to the student and his or her needs. There must always be an avenue of communication. As the instuctor/educator, it is so important to listen and observe. There will always be a sign, a red flag so to speak that a student is asking for help. It is at this point that the instuctor/educator can truly make the difference in the LIFE of a young person.


I feel that as educators and instructors we must never lose sight of the fact that the students are the reason why we choose to teach , to help them reach and attain there goals and ultimately improve the quality of ther life through education.And the sense of pride that comes from knowing that we as educators and instructors are a key part of them fullfilling ther dream.


I feel that one of the key points to remember to create a comfortable and interactive learning enviroment is that the simple things go a long way , general enthusiasm as well as positive renforcement and feedback on a daily basis keeps the student in the best possible receptive mindset to enable learning at its fullest.


I feel that instructors need to be able to develop a common baseline between them and the student in order to communicate effectively and reach the student on all levels, once this baseline is established and the student feels comfortable communicating with there instructor , it will be easier for the student and instructor to set realistic goals together to allow the instructor insight for creating the best possible learning enviroment for students.